Yahoo! News - Eric Raymond: Linux will rule the desktop
Ronald Maggio
r.v.maggio at
Mon Apr 1 09:37:56 EST 2002
----- Original Message -----
From: "Robert Meyer" <meyer_rm at>
To: <nflug at>
Sent: Monday, April 01, 2002 8:34 AM
Subject: Re: Yahoo! News - Eric Raymond: Linux will rule the desktop
> --- Andrew Rokitka <drew82096 at> wrote:
> > Linux doesnt have to chase Microsoft. That is the whole problem.
> > People automatically assume that Win9x, 2k, etc is the standard. Well,
> > why not create a new standard? Instead of complaining about MS, and
> > their insecure, expensive, and unreliable product, why not come up with
> > a way to make linux more user friendly? All Linux really needs is a
> > "dumbed down" version so that the normal everyday home user can
> > actually perform simple tasks such as software installs.
> >
> Actually, we still have to catch them on the desktop and while doing that,
> don't win points for having a different interface that confuses people.
> critical mass happens, then we can start to actually innovate and head in
> directions. While the 900lb gorilla controls 90+% of the desktops, we
> have a lot of choice. The Macs had a really slick interface but couldn't
> up against the assault from the Windoze world. Remember that you have to
> convince the businesses to switch, first. The way that Windows propogated
> that people used it at work and then wanted the same stuff at home as they
> at work.
Well Bob your answer and opinion I sort of agree with, and Andrew is also
for the most part correct in his opinion
"why not come up with a way to make linux more user friendly?" As I see it,
I see one problem that is the biggest
obstacle facing Linux. No matter how you look at it it will never be dumbed
down. Unless people start to
learn Unix. The shell comes into play from time to time, and with the
current state of computer literacy where
people within lets say last five years (the general public) don't even use
DOS much less even know what DOS is.
Then how in the world is the Unix/Linux community going to expect the common
john/jane doe home/office desktop user
to interface with a terminal window (shell) and know how to type in
commands. Unix has so meany different commands,
and unlike DOS it uses a more arcane (complex) syntax. Linux has a
relatively user friendly (GUI) interface, but most
if not really all of the goings on are in Unixland and I really can't see a
dumbed downed version ever coming in the near future.The computing community
will have to get used to the current state of affairs. In no way will change
the way we would like to see take place ever happen unless a new approach
leading to new development and technical advancement bring way a new chapter
in the computing world. The only hope the user end has (of what ever caliper
he or she may be) is that if the big players have a lesser (M$) role in the
direction (new innovators entering the market) of the computing world.
I don't see that going to happen all to soon.
Ron Maggio
Have Screwdriver Will Travel
Computer Repair Service
P.O. BOX 186
Spring Brook, NY. 14140-0186
Phone: (716) 677-5909
travelingcomputerservice at
> It's going to take time.
> Cheers!
> Bob
> =====
> Bob Meyer
> Knightwing Communications, Inc.
> 36 Cayuga Blvd
> Depew, NY 14043
> Phone: 716-308-8931 or 716-681-0076
> Meyer_RM at
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