Yahoo! News - Eric Raymond: Linux will rule the desktop
Andrew Rokitka
drew82096 at
Mon Apr 1 09:18:51 EST 2002
Great points. However, I believe that if you create an OS with a
smooth interface, and convince the HOME users to use it, you can then
FORCE businesses to consider revising their Desktop OS of choice.
Remember, the dawn of customer-service oriented business brought forth
the need to standardize with the user, for compatibility reasons. If a
greater number of non-technical home users use Linux, then businesses
would have no choice but to use Linux, even if in small quantities.
--- Robert Meyer <meyer_rm at> wrote:
> --- Andrew Rokitka <drew82096 at> wrote:
> > Linux doesnt have to chase Microsoft. That is the whole problem.
> > People automatically assume that Win9x, 2k, etc is the standard.
> Well,
> > why not create a new standard? Instead of complaining about MS,
> and
> > their insecure, expensive, and unreliable product, why not come up
> with
> > a way to make linux more user friendly? All Linux really needs is
> a
> > "dumbed down" version so that the normal everyday home user can
> > actually perform simple tasks such as software installs.
> >
> Actually, we still have to catch them on the desktop and while doing
> that, you
> don't win points for having a different interface that confuses
> people. Once
> critical mass happens, then we can start to actually innovate and
> head in new
> directions. While the 900lb gorilla controls 90+% of the desktops,
> we don't
> have a lot of choice. The Macs had a really slick interface but
> couldn't stand
> up against the assault from the Windoze world. Remember that you
> have to
> convince the businesses to switch, first. The way that Windows
> propogated is
> that people used it at work and then wanted the same stuff at home as
> they had
> at work.
> It's going to take time.
> Cheers!
> Bob
> =====
> Bob Meyer
> Knightwing Communications, Inc.
> 36 Cayuga Blvd
> Depew, NY 14043
> Phone: 716-308-8931 or 716-681-0076
> Meyer_RM at
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