[nflug] Zimbra LDAP

Eric Toczek eric at flerd.com
Fri Nov 16 11:16:44 EST 2007

Was just pointed at the list for the zimbra ldap question. 

I have not tried it on Ubuntu but if you want to query the zimbra openldap you'll need:
1) the ldap password (you can run as the zimbra user: zmlocalconfig -s zimbra_ldap_password )

2) Once you have the password you can run queries against ldap using /opt/zimbra/bin/ldapsearch .

The important things to note for using the ldapsearch command is to use a -x for simple auth, the -H should point to the ip of the server, not to localhost/ Password is gathered from above zmlocalconfig command, and binddn should be uid=zimbra,cn=admins,cn=zimbra, with no basedn. 

So for example:
/opt/zimbra/bin/ldapsearch -H ldap:// -w password -D uid=zimbra,cn=admins,cn=zimbra -x "(&(objectClass=zimbraAccount)(mail=eric at flerd.com))"

Hope that answers your question. 


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