[nflug] Nagios and old Dell boxes
vlok stone
vlokstone at yahoo.com
Fri Nov 9 10:50:59 EST 2007
Hey Bob. Seems this is possible
--- Robert Wolfe <robertwolfe at localnet.com> wrote:
> On Thu, 8 Nov 2007 13:23:05 -0800 (PST)
> Robert Meyer <meyer_rm at yahoo.com> wrote:
> > Secondly, I've been trying to figure out what to
> use for monitoring all of the machines and a UPS.
> I've finally decided on Nagios for the task. I'd
> like to find out from folks out there what they had
> to go through to get Nagios running and monitoring.
> Most specifically, I have a UPS that seems to only
> be able to give information about critical events
> through traps, not through SNMP polling. Can I get
> Nagios to interface with snmptrapd and be able to
> properly deal with traps? Most monitoring systems
> seem to want to poll for their status information.
> We're currently using "What's Up" on a Windoze box.
> We'd like to make that box go away, hence the
> monitoring system update.
> Bob, are you wanting to monitor UPSes or PDUs? I
> currently have a plugin for Nagios that will allow
> you to monitor APC PowerNet PDUs. I also have a
> small application based on that plugin that I am
> designing called PowerSentinel which will monitor
> any number of PDUs and update their statuses on the
> console screen in real time. It is planned that the
> program will be available for both Windows and Linux
> (man I love cross-compilers <G>).
> --
> Robert Wolfe (robertwolfe at localnet.com) |
> Systems Administrator
> LocalNet Corp | Williamsville, NY |
> http://www.localnet.com
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