[nflug] Free Linux CDs
Stephen Burke
qfwfq at adelphia.net
Thu Jul 13 15:58:48 EDT 2006
Thanks for the link.
I am sincerely hoping that the suse dvd I requested
works a bit better than the FIVE cds I have downloaded and burned (for
both 10 AND 10.1, so TEN cds), but that never seem to install properly
without dropping packages all over the place, leaving me with worthless
cdrs all over the place and suse systems that ALMOST work, but not quite.
Hopefully this sort of promotion will kick nix into high gear and help
people out of the M$ trap, especially after seeing that "M$ does it
again" post from yesterday, but I still know people who cling
desperately to their M$ 98 systems, even after I clearly and patiently
point out the grave error they are making. FUD, like paranoia, runs
deep, I guess.
p.s. Not so sure about fedora, myself, since it hasn't wanted to work on
any of the slightly older machines I have here starting with fc1 (also
ANOTHER 5 cd set) I started out on nix with RH 7.2, so I'm more or less
familiar with the scene, or was, anyway, while it was still redhat, but
I much prefer BLAG - http://www.blagblagblag.org/ - who just recently
released their 50K version (based on fedora 5,but all on ONE cd)
Viva la Revolucion!
Brad Bartram wrote:
> Hey Guys -
> Just figured, since I just found out myself, that I would pass on this
> little bit for you.
> The Linux Store is sending out free linux cds of various distros. I
> just ordered a copy of fedora 5 myself.
> Here's the link - http://free.thelinuxstore.ca/
> Enjoy!
> brad
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