[nflug] need idea

Cyber Source peter at thecybersource.com
Mon Feb 20 09:19:41 EST 2006

Hello All,
  I need an idea where I can find the originating IP of an email. I 
monitor alot of my clients servers, etc. and I have the cron jobs and 
such email me, which I have filters for and then sort them by who they 
are so things are organized. I also like to be able to help my clients 
out from time to time and ssh in to do things and I would like to not 
have to tell them to do a /sbin/ifconfig or if they are behind a router, 
to go to my web site and then I have a look at /var/log/httpd/access.
  For most of my clients, if I look at the message headers of the cron 
emails, I can see the IP and then use that to log in, mostly cable dhcp 
clients. However, I am finding more and more dsl dhcp clients to be a 
problem because not only do they change alot (and normally not a problem 
because each day has a new email) but when I look at the dsl clients 
message headers I see something like this

Return-Path: <root at thecybersource.com>
Received: from localhost.localdomain (pool-71-251-164-250.bflony.east.verizon.net [])
	by thecybersource.com (8.13.1/8.13.1) with ESMTP id k1K9AHeL024738

If this were cable, the ip would be but this does not 
seem to work with dsl, it is not reporting the actual ip that the client 
used when the box sent the email.

So, I am looking for a way to have a cron run or something on the box 
that can send me a daily email showing the public ip they are using. I 
initially thought of doing a cron that could do a traceroute but I that 
doesnt work either. I don't know if something has changed on routers 
today to block such a process but when I use traceroute today, alot of 
it just times out with multiple ***.
  Anyway, ideas anyone?
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