mesimpleton at yahoo.com
Thu Oct 13 16:28:10 EDT 2005
I tried it again and it still hung when it got to tk. I read through the
install and changed the configure a little and tried it without tcltk and it
complained about something else. I did however find a simple fix, I
downloaded and installed xmms-midi-0.03-1.i386.rpm and I can play the mid
files no problem with xmms and have control, which is fine. I would prefer to
have kmid handle mid files since it will show the song lyrics as it plays
like a karaoke player, the kids would like that a little better. Probably
just have to wait for a midi plugin for kmid to show up in the repos. When I
had RH9 I didn't much care for that Timidity ++ GUI. I think xmms uses
timidity for the conversion but I prefer the xmms gui so all is good...
On Tue October 11 2005 16:14, Cyber Source wrote:
> If after the compile/make/make install, the executable was NOT in
> /usr/local/bin, it didnt finish. Then you need to see what's missing and
> wrong. Remember, when compiling, stuff can get cached in the directory
> your compiling from. If, as you say, you didn't do the compile line the
> way I had it, it could have borked the config. I would delete the folder
> and untar the tarball again and start from scratch. Use the config line
> exactly as I had it and see how you fare.
> jb wrote:
> >I tried it again and everything seemed to run smooth like before but this
> > time I noticed a problem at the end of the make install when it hit this.
> > tk_c.c:53:17: error: tcl.h: No such file or directory
> >tk_c.c:54:16: error: tk.h: No such file or directory
> >Not sure what it means but it deleted my installed version of timidity ++.
> > I would imagine this is the same deal as what happened before.
> >I downloaded the RPM from the repo if that is of any help instead of the
> >tarball?
> >jb
> >
> >On Tue October 11 2005 09:07, jb wrote:
> >>Yes I created the folder and copied the cfg to it.
> >>The only thing I didn't do was I did everything as su. I'll try it as a
> >>user and configure it then log in as root this time with the make and
> >> make install. Thanks and I'll check to be sure the executable is at
> >>/usr/local/bin/timidity, and the rpm install is in /usr/bin/timidity too.
> >>jb
> >>I downloaded the 8.9 mb version from the yum repo and I'll give it
> >> another go today some time.
> >>
> >>On Tue October 11 2005 08:08, Cyber Source wrote:
> >>>1. The folder is not there, you need to create the folder, then copy the
> >>>timidity.cfg into it.
> >>>2. The config needs to all be run as one line, with all those options.
> >>>3. It sound like you didn't run "make" and then "make install"(as root)
> >>>after it compiled.
> >>>4. Running make install would have put the executable at
> >>>/usr/local/bin/timidity, the rpm install puts it in /usr/bin/timidity.
> >>>
> >>>jb wrote:
> >>>>Everything seemed to go smooth until I went to /usr/local/share/ to
> >>>> copy the config file into the timidity folder, it wasn't there. I made
> >>>> a folder and put timidity.cfg in it but I tried "which timidity"
> >>>> without results. I then did rpm -qa|grep midity to get the version and
> >>>> then rpm -e and the version given. Then when I did which timidity and
> >>>> it came back with no timidity in a bunch of places.
> >>>>It's probably obvious I did something noob with the compile. At first I
> >>>>copied and pasted your ./configure but it caughed on the two other
> >>>>lines below ./configure --enable-audio=default, then I put it all as a
> >>>>single command and it didn't gag and seemed to compile with all the
> >>>>enables and then thats where I ran into the missing folder in
> >>>>/usr/local/share/. I'm using smart instead of yum and I checked for
> >>>>timidity ++ and it was no longer installed. I re-installed TiMidity ++
> >>>>and ran timidity -ig and it came back with
> >>>>Playmode `k' is not compiled in.
> >>>>Interface `g' is not compiled in.
> >>>>So I guess I'm back to square one and probably tried putting a square
> >>>>peg in a round hole with my noob terminal commands, probably good for a
> >>>>chuckle though. One thing I did notice the current version of timidity
> >>>>I downloaded from sourceforge wasn't quite as current as the one I get
> >>>>from my smart repositories and quite a bit smaller if I'm not mistaken.
> >>>>If you can tell what I did wrong please point me in the right
> >>>>direction. Thanks, your always a great help Cyber.
> >>>>jb
> >>>>
> >>>>On Mon October 10 2005 21:21, Cyber Source wrote:
> >>>>>Ok, I played with this a while back because my step-mother was using
> >>>>> FC and some friend of hers was sending her midi files or stupid
> >>>>> emails with midi's playing as background music, etc.. You can tell
> >>>>> your email app to use timidity but then you notice that you can't
> >>>>> stop the file until the end because you have not gui control, etc..
> >>>>> So, you already have it installed, good. You could easily do "yum
> >>>>> install timidity++" for those that don't have it. However, this won't
> >>>>> give you a gui, it needs to be compiled in and the called when
> >>>>> executing the binary. Go to
> >>>>>http://timidity.sourceforge.net and download the lastest, LEAVE THE
> >>>>> ONE YOU HAVE INSTALLED ALREADY, you'll see why in a minute. Compile
> >>>>> the downloaded timidity, I used the following options, the install
> >>>>> file explains all,
> >>>>>./configure --enable-audio=default
> >>>>>--enable-interface=gtk,ncurses,motif,tcltk,xskin,slang
> >>>>> --enable-network --enable-spectrogram
> >>>>>Then make, make install. This will put the executable in
> >>>>>/usr/local/bin/timidity. One HUGE thing that will be missing is the
> >>>>>timidity.cfg file but the install from yum (or rpm) will have one at
> >>>>>/etc/timidity.cfg. Copy this file to
> >>>>>/usr/local/share/timidity/timidity.cfg. Do a "which timidity", if it
> >>>>>comes back /usr/local/bin/timidity it's ok, that's the one put on from
> >>>>>the compile, if not, after you copied the cfg file, you can rpm -e the
> >>>>>installed timidity rpm (rpm -qa|grep midity) will give the exact name,
> >>>>>left some out for case, etc. The whole reason to leave or use the
> >>>>>rpm/yum install was to get the cfg file, if you have a look at that
> >>>>>monster, you'll see it's no cake to figure out.
> >>>>>Now, timidity -ig should fire it up with the gtk gui, try it out, let
> >>>>>me know.
> >>>>>
> >>>>>jb wrote:
> >>>>>>I found something that may help with diagnosing the problem. If I
> >>>>>>right click on the mid file and click open with and navigate to
> >>>>>>/usr/bin/timidity the file will play but I have no visual control, it
> >>>>>>just plays until it stops. Not sure if that tidbit helps but it seems
> >>>>>>like it narrows things down a bit. At least it isn't a hardware
> >>>>>>problem and the comp is capable of playing that file type? Must be a
> >>>>>>setting somewhere...
> >>>>>>jb
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>On Mon October 10 2005 15:36, jb wrote:
> >>>>>>>I'm using FC4 and I tried to play a mid music file and no sound. In
> >>>>>>>the control center I tested MIDI and nothing. In the hardware
> >>>>>>>section it has select midi device and the only selection is Midi
> >>>>>>>Through Midi Through Port-o-ALSA device. I'm not sure what to try
> >>>>>>>next, I tried alsaconfig in a terminal but it said command not
> >>>>>>>found. Not sure what to try next. I can play other types like mp3,
> >>>>>>>is there a setting I need to do or do I need a plugin to play mid
> >>>>>>>files? I didn't have any problem with them when I was using RH9 so
> >>>>>>>the hardware isn't a problem just a setting or a missing lib or
> >>>>>>>something? Any help would be appreciated.
> >>>>>>>jb
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