[nflug] ssh file transfer
pirrone at localnet.com
Wed May 18 01:00:54 EDT 2005
eric wrote:
> so MC will run through ssh?
> pirrone at localnet.com wrote:
>> Eric, this is something I do all the time. I open a floating,
>> invisible, transparent Eterm and sftp into my school server over VPN,
>> and in another window doing the same with ssh I open Midnight
>> Commander. This gives me the ability to "bounce" files from home to
>> school and in some cases up to BOCES' Web server which requires an IP
>> along their backbone to connect. Beauty with MC is I can simply shell
>> out (Ctrl-o) to ftp www.tona.wnyric.org <http://www.tona.wnyric.org>,
>> upload what I've bounced from home, download and reenter MC to edit
>> the downloaded pages or documents, shell back out and upload. Slick
>> as shit...
Roger that, and at absolutely full speed. I can move so quickly in MC,
shelling out and issuing CLI commands, shelling back in, hopping in and
out of the editor, copying and pasting from my computer at home into
edit mode at the remote end - wanna grab a file you have a link for at
home, just swipe it with the cursor (mouse or shift key as desired)
switch to the window or screen where the SSH session is running, shell
out of MC, type wget (space) and middle click to drop the URL, press
enter and with the gigabit pipe we have at school the file is just
THERE, stay where you are and execute it or pop back into MC's two-pane
display and F4 to edit, rinse...repeat...that anyone who has only used
Windows, or I'd assume Macintosh though I rarely cross paths with those
folks, is guaranteed to be astounded.
I find few GUI applications that even approach MC in power and speed and
efficiency. Here's the magical mystery ethereal floating invisible
Eterm that I run all this in:
Mod1 f :ExecCommand Eterm --trans --borderless --scrollbar off
--buttonbar off --geometry 100x44+185+65 --font 10x20 --foreground-color
white -e mc >/dev/null
Note: Taken from the ~/.fluxbox/keys file, Mod1 is the Alt key and "f"
is the other key that together execute this command. All that's needed
to launch this title-bar-less, window-frame-less, scroll-bar-less,
transparent MC instance is:
Eterm --trans --borderless --scrollbar off --buttonbar off --geometry
100x44+185+65 --font 10x20 --foreground-color white -e mc
And, to enjoy mind-boggling complete transparency, even of MC itself,
place this into the ~/.mc/ini file:
all one one line.
Visit: http://members.localnet.com/~fpirrone/eterm/
I've got the same degree of enthusiasm about FluxBox. It's light as a
feather on your system, therefore supporting extreme image and sound
processing, and super fast. Hard to imagine anything more efficient.
In general it seems to me that the farther away you get from the Unix
paradigm of small single-purpose applications piped together at the CLI
the lower you sink into the abyss of inefficiency.
Windows typifies this from a different perspective: For beginners, and
don't lose sight of the fact that this OS is used by the most
experienced and technical and demanding people within that pathetic
world, it holds your hand quite nicely - Gates' dream of a computing
However, you quickly reach a point where all the cute icons, god
forsaken wizards, castanet mouse-clicking frenzy, overlapping windows
and all the rest of the pre-programmed bullshit representing one
company's vision of how people want to compute becomes an absolute
obstacle to further progress.
Moreover, the user's isolation from the mechanism by which the OS
performs it's tasks as well as the interaction between the OS and
applications keeps him/her at the appliance-user's level of insight,
knowledge, and competence. If I want to be "creative" with my toaster
appliance, what are my options? Warm up a roast beef sandwich? French
toast? Grilled cheese sandwich? Cook a hamburger patty?
No, this perfect prototypical archetypal appliance, to which Windows
doth so devoutly aspire only works as it's designer designed. Learning
curve? None. Manual? No. Experts jump right in and get perfectly
tropically tanned toast the first time? You bet. Morons eventually
figure out the correct setting of the single adjustment allowed. Well,
pretty quickly - even if they require a call or two to tech support!
Where do you want to go today? Sorry, that's not on the single approved
Now, and god help me I'll wrap this up if I've got to gnaw off my own
hand, I really don't mean this as a knock against Windows, or Macintosh
which I mentioned initially but didn't return to by name, but rather to
extol the profound virtues of the Unix/Linux way. Totally
open-endedness and total empowerment. The more you learn, the faster
you go, and the farther you go, and the more you leave the new paradigm
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