linux in the classroom

Eric R. Benoit ebenoit at
Tue Jun 7 15:17:22 EDT 2005

I'll see you Thursday, I just talked with Tom!

pirrone at wrote:

>The last E1ITC meeting is tomorrow, and Linux is actually on the agenda! 
>I'm sure, and only speaking for myself, that you'd be welcomed.  It's out
>at Hamburg under the auspices of Technology Coordinator, Tom Nemmer
>tnemmer at 646-3227, from 8:30 through lunch ($3.00).
>I'm hoping to hop (hopping to hope?) on the presentation if time and the
>situation permits demonstrating a subset of my Intranet resources
>(strictly LAMP) and offering them again for download.
>Last time there were only a few takers, but it was the full site and more
>than a bit overwhelming.  This piece is only three apps - an online
>Standards-based lesson plan generator/database, a tech support system, and
>a building maintenance support system.
>You can grab this at:
> with the full
>version in the Document Library under System Documents at the top of the
>links just past documentation.
>Give Tom a call and pop out to join us.  Drop my name and be sure to say
>Frank Pirrone
>Technology Integrator
>Tonawanda City School District
>fpirrone at
>694-7660 ex.2002
>>You've done our school good favor then...  I will look at the link,
>>maybe this will work. I'm wondering if you will be doing another
>>presentation for Erie1 that I could bring 1 or 2 of people I work with?
>>pirrone at wrote:
>>>You have that link to equivalent programs, and if it's the one I'm
>>>familiar with it's an exhaustive and impressive list of applications,
>>>which I second as the way to go.  Take a look at the Linux Terminal
>>>Server Project too, for an even greater departure from the norm.
>>>I gave presentations to the Erie1 and Orleans-Niagara BOCES on F/OSS
>>>and got a good response.  I'm afraid the outcome will be people running
>>>The Gimp, Firefox, Thunderbird, Sunbird, Audacity, OpenOffice, etc. on
>>>Windows, but that's a foot in the door.
>>>My personal approach is to commit to Gnu/Linux and its applications,
>>>and at this stage actually feel handicapped whenever I work in Windows.
>>>Your students would likely experience the same.
>>>Emulation is nearly as ugly as virtual sex...
>>>>A small high school.
>>>>I would like to test/setup a small lab of student computers with linux
>>>>and an "emulator" to run win32 software that the school purchased.  I
>>>>am  having difficulty trying to find a free emulator if it even exists
>>>>(Wine  is limiting).  I also have not used an emulator before and am
>>>>not sure  how well it would perform (hopefully better than windows)
>>>>and would be  unsure of it's scalability with the software we have and
>>>>will purchase.   For instance we have a II tier server application for
>>>>reading that uses  IPX.  I don't see why it wouldn't work, but I also
>>>>don't no any problems  that could occur running win32 applications
>>>>that are meant for
>>>>connectivity accross a network.  "I" lack in this area, and I just
>>>>to know enough that will satisfy me to start working on such a
>>>>project.   Would an emulator run ALL my win32 software?  Would an
>>>>emulator need a  beefy computer to run on?
>>>>pirrone wrote:
>>>>>Eric R. Benoit wrote:
>>>>>>Well, I popped the question to a possible inexpensive stable
>>>>>>solution.  Not sure how it was taken though.
>>>>>Where's that, and what functionality?

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