[inbox] Re: Meeting Time?
Greg Neumann
dadneumann at adelphia.net
Thu Feb 17 23:39:49 EST 2005
Cyber Source wrote:
> John Nichel wrote:
>> Cyber Source wrote:
>>> Greg Neumann wrote:
>>>> What's the "minimum" system requirements for that? I have an old
>>>> P-II 233 I'm trying to get fixed up for my mom. Works great except
>>>> for connecting to the internet. :-(
>>>> Cyber Source wrote:
>>>>> We have our "tweaked" FC3 on a hard drive that we dump to other
>>>>> drives, then customize for each respective user from there. We
>>>>> might be able to bring the box and then show and do a dump to a
>>>>> hard drive of yours if you like.
>>> Not a good candidate. Interesting how people are always trying to
>>> put Linux on the old "nobody want's" anymore boxes (not that that's
>>> what your doing). Linux today deserves the best box in the house,
>>> and for many, many, many good reasons. Here is a link to the FC3
>>> Release notes showing hardware requirements, etc.
>>> http://fedora.redhat.com/docs/release-notes/fc3/x86/
>> Ah, but Linux breaths new life into those old boxes. Granted, I do
>> run it on my 'best' boxes, but inbetween work and home, I have old
>> boxes (<500Mhz) set up to do a variety of things...print servers,
>> file servers, router/firewall, etc.
> yes I do the same, lately been making routers out of them old boxes. I
> wouldn't think about giving an old box to my mom though ;), or any
> newbie. I'm assuming Greg's mom is a newbie. Newbie's coupled with old
> slow boxes usually frustrate them right back to winblows.....
I'm assuming you never used winblows on anything like a 233 mhz, or
you'd know better! I wouldn't try to move someone from a 3.2 ghz P-4
running winblows to a 450 mhz P-III running Linux! That's just stupid.
If they want to try Linux, they can try it on equivalent hardware. For
someone who has NEVER used a computer (my mom, for one), they will find
Linux GUI's as easy as Windows, and older (slower) hardware is NOT going
to "frustrate them back to winblows ...."! Glad you can afford to fix
your mom up w/ something better, I can't. I was lucky to get this one.
She's actually quite happy with Ubuntu on that old thing, and if I could
get it to connect to her ISP, she'd be even happier. Ya' gotta know your
target group and do the best w/ what you have!
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