external compat modem
Cyber Source
peter at thecybersource.com
Sun Feb 6 10:06:42 EST 2005
kppp would be the easiest, I prefer ppp scripts and using the modem
lights app in the panel. If you need help with the ppp stuff let me know
otherwise fire up kppp, change the modem to what it shows up as and hit
query modem, it you get responses, your all set. I had a client that was
on usadatanet (now converted to Cyber Source ISP, our dialup, because
the usadatanet connection kinda sucked), they do however use pap
authentication so all you need is his user name and password and your
all set.
anthonyriga wrote:
> I got lucky. I found some old pcs at my last job for
>parts and took an 3com internal fax modem that I just
>put in my pc and kudzu reconized at boot up. I just
>remembered I had it. I know it was reconized but what
>are my steps to getting it to dial to usadatnet? I
>wanna test it before I install it. Thanks!
>--- Cyber Source <peter at thecybersource.com> wrote:
>>We are converting people on a daily basis here at
>>Cyber Source ;), it's
>>our passion! As far as modems go, I would highly
>>recommend the hayes
>>external serial modem, I (after many many attempts)
>>have an
>>initialization string that absolutely rocks that
>>modem, as long as your
>>calling into 3Com/USR. The external serials are
>>being fazed out and I
>>took a gamble on getting the latest USB hayes
>>external, looked promising
>>with the cdc-acm module but alas, wouldn't you know
>>it, that happens to
>>one (of a very few I'm told) that's not supported by
>>that module.
>>Anywho, I can get you an internal PCI 3Com hardware
>>modem for $59.00 and
>>you wont need another power source, etc. It will
>>come up in Linux as
>>/dev/ttyS4 most likely. Let me know. Thanks.
>>anthonyriga wrote:
>>>Anyone know of an easy setup compatable Fed 3
>>>modem brand? After my stepfather used Linux at my
>>>house to check his mail and do some surfing he
>>>actually thought he was using Windbows. My
>>>is very novice computer user too. After realizing
>>>well Linux worked and he wasnt getting
>>>popups etc.. on my pc my stepfather is now asking
>>>to setup linux on his pc and wipe out Winblows
>>>because he is sick of fighting with Windblows XP to
>>>keep running. I did nothing to convince him to use
>>>Linux this was all on his own. He uses Usadatanet
>>>his provider but I dont think this should be a
>>>problem. Thats another customer Microshaft lost...
>>>I think if there were more marketing and a real
>>>push for Linux in radio tv advertisements and
>>>billboards,community classes where people can be
>>>taught and pushing it to be preloaded in stores at
>>>least more people would be aware of Linux. .
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