external compat modem
torrodimerda at yahoo.com
Sat Feb 5 21:06:04 EST 2005
I got lucky. I found some old pcs at my last job for
parts and took an 3com internal fax modem that I just
put in my pc and kudzu reconized at boot up. I just
remembered I had it. I know it was reconized but what
are my steps to getting it to dial to usadatnet? I
wanna test it before I install it. Thanks!
--- Cyber Source <peter at thecybersource.com> wrote:
> We are converting people on a daily basis here at
> Cyber Source ;), it's
> our passion! As far as modems go, I would highly
> recommend the hayes
> external serial modem, I (after many many attempts)
> have an
> initialization string that absolutely rocks that
> modem, as long as your
> calling into 3Com/USR. The external serials are
> being fazed out and I
> took a gamble on getting the latest USB hayes
> external, looked promising
> with the cdc-acm module but alas, wouldn't you know
> it, that happens to
> one (of a very few I'm told) that's not supported by
> that module.
> Anywho, I can get you an internal PCI 3Com hardware
> modem for $59.00 and
> you wont need another power source, etc. It will
> come up in Linux as
> /dev/ttyS4 most likely. Let me know. Thanks.
> anthonyriga wrote:
> >Anyone know of an easy setup compatable Fed 3
> external
> >modem brand? After my stepfather used Linux at my
> >house to check his mail and do some surfing he
> >actually thought he was using Windbows. My
> stepfather
> >is very novice computer user too. After realizing
> how
> >well Linux worked and he wasnt getting
> adware,spyware
> >popups etc.. on my pc my stepfather is now asking
> me
> >to setup linux on his pc and wipe out Winblows
> >because he is sick of fighting with Windblows XP to
> >keep running. I did nothing to convince him to use
> >Linux this was all on his own. He uses Usadatanet
> as
> >his provider but I dont think this should be a
> >problem. Thats another customer Microshaft lost...
> > I think if there were more marketing and a real
> big
> >push for Linux in radio tv advertisements and
> >billboards,community classes where people can be
> >taught and pushing it to be preloaded in stores at
> >least more people would be aware of Linux. .
> >
> >
> >
> >
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