[nflug] RE: Burning a CD-R
Cyber Source
peter at thecybersource.com
Thu Dec 22 08:16:03 EST 2005
Cyber Source wrote:
> JJ Neff wrote:
>> No software - no matter how pretty or goooey will do anything if your
>> underlying kernel and cdrecord DO not like the burner or work correctly
>> YOU MUST try to burn first with the cmd line cdrecord (or cdrdao) as
>> that is
>> all that is being called when you use KDE, XCDROAST etc etc. If you
>> can't make
>> it work the GUI on top won't be able to either...
>> Now when you've read all the cdrecord MAN page, and the ever
>> continuing saga of
>> cdrecord VS 2.6 kernel and atapi interface etc etc etc you'll realize
>> why I
>> stopped burning cds and burn DVDs exclusively - dvd+rwtools works
>> just fine. Believe you me, I really want to burn CDs but cdrecord
>> does not work with my
>> hardware under my kernel - not much I can do unless I'm willing to 1)
>> reboot
>> into 2.4 kernel and use scsi emulation (and Maybe work) 2) become an
>> expert C
>> programmer and fork cdrecord and start over with a non scsi specific
>> interface...
>> Hmm Let me start reading some more :-)
>> JJN
>> --- Richard Hubbard <hubbardr at adelphia.net> wrote:
>>> i've never had any problems with xcdroast
>>> another idea is to be a tough guy and do it through the command line
>>> tools.
>>> (_The Linux cookbook_ by carla schroder gives a no nonsense step by
>>> step for how to use these tools, or you can try the man pages.)
>>> Me, I'm a wimp that uses xcdroast. The nice thing is that it is
>>> strictly x, and doesn't depend on gnome or kde.
>>> Ron Maggio wrote:
>>>> Hi, all
>>>> Well...I tried both toast in KDE and k3d in Gnome, and both suck!
>>>> Neither will burn! It goes through all the motions after I gave it
>>>> what to burn, and it just sits there! Nothing! I even left it alone
>>>> and did something else for 15 minutes and came back to see it had
>>>> done nothing. Stalled in limbo land, it was suggested that Nero had
>>>> a product for Linux. To me that beats the whole purpose, to get
>>>> away from commercial software. I really don't want to go back to
>>>> Windows, but it seems I will if I can get full usage of this
>>>> system. What the hell good is it if you can't do the same as you
>>>> can do in Windows. Oh by the way, I did RTFM. I read all that there
>>>> could be to read about how to use this software, and I still can't
>>>> get it to work. The hardware is somewhat new, and worked very well
>>>> under Windows. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
>>>> Thanks, Ron M.
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> This thread is a blast from the past, 2.6.* kernels in IDE burner
> land. Let me restate this, I have NEVER had a problem burning with ANY
> IDE burner in 2.6 land EXCEPT the dreaded 2.6.8 kernel and even then
> it was only a permission problem with K3B needed to run as root. No
> ide-scsi emulation is needed in 2.6 land so just take it out whereever
> you might have it loading, if you do. In 2.6 land this has been from
> Fedora Core 2 to now Core 4. As everyone has been saying, start from
> the basics, command line, if it doesn't work there, it doesn't matter
> what app gui/frontend your using. First question would be is, what
> kernel are you using?
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Now that I think about it, I did have someones ancient HP CD-RW in a
system that we put FC4 on and it didn't like DAO mode, I changed that
option and she burned fine.
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