[nflug] RE: Copy of Red Hat 7.2
JJ Neff
jjneff at yahoo.com
Wed Dec 7 11:09:32 EST 2005
The link is your software turning a string it recognizes into a link - kind of
like how Outlook was (is?) so easily hijacked -
Hi I'm outlook -- if anyone sends you an e-mail with an exe attachment I'll
open it for you run it and tell you what it does after the fact - that way you
don't have to think about it - Oh it might be a virus? -- well buy virus
software and let me do the work for you...your life will be better - peace is
war and 2+2=5! hahahahahahah (maniacal laughter)
OK you see the point - on my handheld device i don't see a link but on another
handheld device the software that presents my e-mail to me may take
http://<blah> and offer to open it in a web browser for me - heck it may offer
to open the site and use my credit card stored online to buy anything it finds
there - but do I really want it to do that? hmmmm
OK so with NO HTML tags at all - as pure text only I type
I see ony text in my text based e-mail reader - I see a link in my highly
graphical GOOOEY e-mail reader - NO HTML at all? certainly it is the devils
Wow you are making me think today - I better get back to work and stop reading
On another note it is similar to irc software - Some will show you links as
text only - others will allow you to select a link in the text screen and open
in any installed browser ( again searching for the http:// or ftp:// or other
pron:// :-Q
Please if I misrepresented this horribly please correct !
--- ptgoodman <ptgrunner at earthlink.net> wrote:
> maybe you can help. When someone specifies a link to a site in this
> group or elsewhere, that link shows up on my screen in blue and
> underlined. Is that HTML?
> ptg
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