Adelphia Powerlink
vlok stone
vlokstone at
Tue Mar 9 16:18:12 EST 2004
for some reason it appears your router will not renew
it's public ip. the usual renegotiation cycle for
public ip's used to be 7 hours . that may have
changed. you can check the modem logs by going to this is the modems' web interface for
most cable modems. if you have an idea when this is
happening you should see 4 things happen ( known as
1. dhcp DISCOVER
2. dhcp OFFER
3. dhcp REQUEST
a failure at any point will cause the problem.
adelphia does not track MAC addresses beyond the
router. it can't. the router will place it's ip & mac
( or the spoofed MAC) on a packet and forward it. so i
can't see how changing the MAC address will help (
although stranger things have happened ). getting a
new modem from them will be difficult if, when a
regular pc is attached, you're able to keep an ip. you
could always lie and say a regular pc can't keep it
they don't want to encourage people to swap out their
modem everytime they have an issue.
good luck.
--- Brett Hamann <brett at> wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Dennis Ruzeski" <dennisr at>
> To: <nflug at>
> Sent: Tuesday, March 09, 2004 3:00 PM
> Subject: RE: Adelphia Powerlink
> > To clarify- That's not really changing the mac
> address of the router. It's
> just telling the router to alter the outgoing mac
> address in the packet
> headers it sends. MAC addresses are the only way for
> the cable company to
> track the number of users behind a router running
> nat and lately adelphia
> has been finicky about things like that.
> >
> >
> I believe you are correct, but the result is the
> same as far as Adelphia is
> concerned.
> To clarify my suggestion, I would only do this IF
> I couldn't get my router to let go of and IP address
> after Adelphia changed
> my network. After multiple power cycles to no avail,
> I tried the MAC Cloning
> and it worked...It seemed like it was Adelphia's
> DHCP causing the
> problem.....Who knows...
> Brett
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