cd/dvd & mouse

jb mesimpleton at
Mon Dec 13 23:43:03 EST 2004

I think I have plenty of memory 786mb with 1.5gb swap plus the nvidia 
video card has 32mb of memory on it. I'm not through a network. I think 
the mouse hesitation is a cpu time sharing thing which I think the 
program nice lets you adjust but I might be wrong about that. The mouse 
hesitation only happens while I'm Opening multiple programs so the mouse 
being hesitant isn't a major problem. It would be nice to adjust it a 
little though. The cdrom not accessible is a problem. I tried the 
(hdparm /dev/hdc -d and it came up command not found? I did add user to 
the etc/fstab but no cigar. It also has
/dev/hdd  /media/cdrom  auto  pamconsole,ro,exec,noauto,managed 0 0
/dev/hdc  /media/cdrecorder  auto  pamconsole,ro,exec,noauto,managed 0 0
/dev/fd0  /media/floppy  auto  pamconsole,exec,noauto,managed 0 0
I used vi to edit user into the file but when I checked again user 
entries were gone and I saved them as root.
The fstab file says it has to be edited by fstab-sync?

Jesse Jarzynka wrote:

>I don't think you wanna be messing around with I/O priorities. IRQ's are
>set for a reason, and I don't think you should be messing with that, or
>if you can. I would suggest more memory, or possible a better video
>card. As far as sharing goes, is this through a network or on the same
>pc? Whatever you are doing, remember folder permissions are high above
>samba permissions. Even if you are sharing something as
>read/write/execute access through samba, if the folder permissions are
>only, r--r--r--, guess which overrules? Xdesktop waves look cool! -Jesse
>On Mon, 2004-12-13 at 16:38, jb wrote:
>>When I'm opening multiple programs my mouse gets sluggish. I was 
>>wondering if there is a way to give it more cpu time or more priority? 
>>Would mouse priority be something (nice) can do and if that is the case 
>>how do I go about it? I'm also setting up a Fedora 3 box and I'm having 
>>difficulty getting my users access to my cd & dvd. Root has full access. 
>>I changed permission in users and groups but I still don't have 
>>permission as an average user.  I know it involves SELinux, I'm just not 
>>savvy enough with it to know the quick fix. I checked on the web for 
>>info on both problems and I didn't find much help.
>>Thanks in advance...
>>On a side note, has anyone tinkered with xdesktopwaves? If you want 
>>something unique for the desktop xdesktopwaves is it.

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