meeting this weekend?
Mark Robson
markrobson at
Tue Sep 23 00:26:23 EDT 2003
Thank you, Bob, and welcome back. I'll see what I can
make of these things, or maybe I'll just go to that
refurb place mentioned lately and get a 100mb external
zip drive. Or finally install the CDRW backup system.
Why pour hours into a single-use software skill when
a hardware solution may do just as well? (I mean that
I'm short of learning-curve time) I'll be at the
Sunday meeting, and may bring the box if it still is
okay to do that. Very interested in your plans to
demonstrate email clients, after stumbling into this
*.pst puzzle.
--- Robert Meyer <meyer_rm at> wrote:
> --- Mark Robson <markrobson at> wrote:
> > Bob, if you're back on, hope things went well
> Friday.
> Yep, I'm back. And I can see!
> >
> > I'm still working over the partition issues from
> last
> > week, and wonder if either Evolution or Mozilla
> can
> > import MS Outlook .pst files. Looks like a way
> can be
> > done with Mozilla in Windows, first, then save as
> > csv/txt, etc... But I haven't yet gotten to where
> I
> > can re-install windows. I have a 75mb file saved,
> I
> > even learned to 'roll' it (?) in Gnome. Now it's
> only
> > 50mb. But I need to get it over to another
> machine to
> > import it into wind-ohhhs. I have this Linux box
> and
> > my kids' windows boxes on enet behind a router and
> > adelphia cable modem. Their win98 machines (and
> the
> > now-dead XP) did peer-to-peer successfully.
> >
> > Okay, the questions:
> > - can I directly import *.pst into Evol or Moz.
> If
> > not, is there another email client I can do this
> in?
> PST files are a bear. I have successfully gotten
> Addressbooks moved over but
> so far, the only raional way to migrate the PST
> files into anything else seems
> to be:
> 1) Connect to an IMAP server with outlook
> 2) Copy all of your Email and folders to the IMAP
> space. This requires an IMAP
> server that can handle folders and messages in the
> same folder such as courier
> 3) use the IMAP server as your storage place from
> then on or go into Mozilla or
> Evolution and suck the folders back down into local
> space. I personally like
> keeping things in IMAP 'cuz then I can access them
> from anywhere.
> This is, of course, if you want to keep it in
> Mozilla or Evolution. If you
> really want to move it to another machine and reload
> it into outlook, then you
> want to use the export/import functions.
> >
> > - Is there a way short of learining Samba
> (enduser,
> > not admin, very intimidated) to move this file
> over
> > the wires? I don't find anything about Linux and
> p2p.
> Well, you can do NFS and mount the filesystems or
> you can use SSH/SFTP or FTP
> to move stuff back and forth. Depends on where
> you're trying to get the file.
> >
> > For a smaller file, I'd just email it to my yahoo
> > account and switch machines. At 75mb, too big. I
> > don't want to try to use an upload to the web
> > somewhere, do I? With the cable connection, I get
> > fast enough up/download to consider that, too.
> SFTP or ftp seem to be your best bet for one file.
> Cheers!
> Bob
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