Ohio LinuxFest - October, 2003
William R. Lorenz
wrl at express.org
Thu Sep 11 00:38:34 EDT 2003
I should have gotten this out a lot sooner, but better late than never, I
suppose! ;) The registration deadline is coming up soon (this Satuday),
so there's just a bit more time available for those who want to come!
I just wanted to take some time to let everyone know about the upcoming
Ohio LinuxFest in Columbus, Ohio. We have lots of exciting things
planned, including some excellent speakers and a GnuPG Key-Signing event.
I know that lots of people are planning to head to the area the night
before, do some socializing, and take up hotels before the morning; others
plan to drive to the event that morning for Saturday's all-day event. I
know that we have quite a few people carpooling to the event, as well.
The event is being coordinated by many users groups from the Ohio area.
Lots of information can be found at http://www.ohiolinux.org/; I'll also
be glad to personally answer any questions anyone might have about this
event -- feel free to ask! I've calculated the drive time from Buffalo to
be 5.5 hours, and we have specific driving directions on the website, of
course. We do ask that those who are interested in attending register on
the site so that we know how many people to expect and can plan things
accordingly. The event, hosted at Ohio State University, is free & open
to everyone. There is a September 13th registration deadline for those
who want to attend, and this will help us to secure enough room for all.
We have David Coulson talking about User-Mode Linux, which can be used to
setup virtual Linux machines without hardware emulation. I believe he's
also going to offer UML Co-Op <www.umlcoop.net> registrations, although I
don't know for sure. David has given his presentation to the Linux Users
Group of Cleveland (of which I am Vice-President, I might add :) and also
the Cincinnati GNU/Linux Users Group, and it's quite good. David worked
in the past at VA Linux, and he has some very good things to share.
We'll also have a talk from Scott Collins, a Mozilla developer and former
Netscape employee who designed and implemented the bulk of Mozilla's XPCOM
type-safe and leak resistant object management facilities. He'll be
sharing his own thoughts on Mozilla's past, present, and future. Mozilla
recently embraced a new direction with their Firebird & similar projects.
More speakers and information are posted on the website for all to see,
and we're always open to additional ideas for fun things at the event.
Lots of great things will be happening, and we'll have lots of great
people there, I know that for sure. I think this will be an excellent
opportunity for some of the users groups to get together and meet, share
ideas, opporunties, and more! I do hope to see some of you guys there!
-- _
__ __ ___ _| | William R. Lorenz <wrl at express.org>
\ V V / '_| | http://www.clevelandlug.net/ ; "Every revolution was
\./\./|_| |_| first a thought in one man's mind." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
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