
Asheville Joe josephj at
Wed Oct 15 08:36:37 EDT 2003

Thanks.  That's what I suspected.  Maybe I can add the AI by restoring 
to another directory and then using rsync with careful attention to 


Robert Meyer wrote:

>Nope.  Restore is intended to restore entire filesystems.  You can pull
>individual files but it doesn't do an 'artificial intelligence' type restore. 
>It doesn't know what you want, it just restores the whole mess.
>You probably have to do a restore to another directory and then copy over
>anything that is missing.
>--- Asheville Joe <josephj at> wrote:
>>Hi.  I've been reading the restore man page and getting confused.  What 
>>I would like to do is run restore such that any missing or newer file is 
>>My source is /mnt/portable/root00[123] (made with dump).
>>My destination is /usr/bin
>>/usr/bin has a bunch of stuff in it, but a bunch also seems to be 
>>missing - notably:
>>kdm, gdm, mdkkdm, wine.bin .
>>If necessary, I can write a bash script to restore the files somewhere 
>>temporary and move them over one by one after testing dates, etc., but I 
>>hope there's a better way than that!
>>Any input would be appreciated.
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>>and as far as they are certain, they do not refer to reality." --Albert
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