adelphia blocking www
Dave Andruczyk
djandruczyk at
Tue Jul 22 00:03:27 EDT 2003
--- deadpoint <deadpoint at> wrote:
> hello,
> i've noticed that adelphia is blocking traffic to port 80/http so people
> can't connect to personal webserver running inside there network. so i
> figured that i'd do a little port forwarding to get around this yet i'm
> still unable to get to my site. now i don't think that i have anything
> misconfigured in the ipchains rules but i'm look for some clarification.
That's correct, they also block a handful of other ports as well.
> i'm run coyotelinux 1.3.something with kernel 2.2.19. i've flushed all
> existing ipchains rules and ipmasadm rules so all i have is the 1 portfw
> rule. the site is
> coyote# ipmasqadm portfw -a -P tcp -L `getifaddr eth1` 80 -R
> 6000
> coyote# ipmasqadm portfw -l
> prot localaddr rediraddr lport rport pcnt pref
> www 6000 10 10
> any ideas or thoughts on this?
One way to see if the rule worked, is to run nmap from the outside of your
host. (neighbor, work, school, etc..) don't portscan adelphia's servers though
as I think it's against their terms of service (though they can scan you
anytime... nice rules eh? )
Dave J. Andruczyk
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