
Robert Meyer meyer_rm at
Fri Sep 27 10:42:21 EDT 2002

I know that some folks here have used amanda in the past and may still be doing
so.  I have a server with one DLT (that works, now) that handles Email.  I'm
using 'maildir' format for the messages if that matters.

I'd like a quick explaination of what needs to be done to set up amanda to back
up this beast and how tapes are handled.  We currently are only using about 5
Gig on a 90-ish gig filesystem so we could fit lots on a tape.  We want to
start some sort of schedule that will allow us to take tapes offsite
periodically.  We'd also like this to happen automagically after hours.

Any help would be appreciated since the amanda docs seem to be somewhat
daunting to someone that doesn't have a lot of time to study them.



Bob Meyer
Knightwing Communications, Inc.
36 Cayuga Blvd
Depew, NY 14043
Phone: 716-308-8931 or 716-681-0076
Meyer_RM at

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