Local Linux friendly ISP offer to NFLUG users
Ronald Maggio
r.v.maggio at worldnet.att.net
Mon Mar 25 02:24:11 EST 2002
----- Original Message -----
From: "Gregory J. Neumann" <gjn at certainlywood.com>
To: <nflug at nflug.org>
Sent: Sunday, March 24, 2002 8:03 PM
Subject: Re: Local Linux friendly ISP offer to NFLUG users
> I think that the web page would be another good place to post the change,
if it
> happens. Is there a membership list w/ addresses? A possible course of
> would be to have everybody post an "I got the word" reply here on the
list, compare
> it to the membership list and phone/mail those that haven't replied. I'll
> with that.
> Finally, how are we to know wen it has actually changed? Just a majority
of us
> loudmouths on the list? ;-)
> AFAIK, We changed the date on the last meeting just using the list, and
> AFAIK, nobody was too confused by it. (But how would we know if they
don't post to
> the list?) Geez, I'm doing too much second guessing! Just my .02.
> I'm still all for the change, unless the room is th size of my "office"
> server space) here! ;-)
> -Greg
Good points, but I think all in all it will go without much problems I think
we all will get
accustomed in time to the change when it happens. I'm for it,...shocking
isn't it, I can actually
agree with the change. (look out for the smartass remark...Oh too late!) So
much for sounding
like EULA. Sorry to disappoint anyone. hehehe:)
I would like to see us all know any and all of the ifs ands or buts before
we make the change.
As far as being loudmouths.....Well I don't think we're loudmouths.
You and I and anyone else who has an invested interest in this has a
justifiable reason for concern.
We invest our lives, money and so forth into our
This organization is a major player in (at least this is how I see it) our
education and ability to
network in our field. So why wouldn't we be concerned with its existence.
Nuff said:)
By the way....what the heck is this acronym (AFAIK)
Ron Maggio
Have Screwdriver Will Travel
Computer Repair Service
P.O. BOX 186
Spring Brook, NY. 14140-0186
Phone: (716) 677-5909
travelingcomputerservice at worldnet.att.net
> > I agree that we should keep our eyes open but I suspect that at the time
of a
> > needed relocation, opportunities would present themselves. We have a
> > enough group that we probably can find a place (whether a good sized
room or
> > someone's large family room :-) fairly quickly. We just mentioned
> > recently that we're having a problem with the Downtown location and
we've had
> > several folks with ideas, the most recent of which is the offer by Joe
> > for the use of his company's location. If the membership thinks the
> > would be good, I would hope that we wouldn't have to do this again for a
> > time.
> >
> > If we move, we also need a way to notify EVERYONE in the group so that
> > continues to show up at Statler Towers, looking for us. Notifying the
> > will get most folks but I suspect that there may be a few that aren't on
> > list.
> >
> > I'd like a bit more info about the size of the room but other than that,
I have
> > no objections if the group wants to move to the location at the corner
> > Cayuga and Cleveland drive. Use of the facilities of a company that is
> > with Linux geeks can't be too bad :-) We might even garner a few more
> > in the deal.
> >
> > Joe, could you please let us know the size of the room and what the
rules of
> > engagement might be (Do's and Don'ts, that is)? Obviously, things like
> > reconstruction of the facilities and hacking the company's computers are
> > don'ts and cleaning up after ourselves is a major do. Anything else
that we'd
> > need to know before the membership makes a decision?
> >
> > Thanks, folks...
> >
> > Cheers!
> >
> > Bob
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