Older cptrs
Charles Rishel
chaz03 at localnet.com
Thu Mar 7 23:08:41 EST 2002
You know, one of these days I am gonna have to burn a vacation day and make
a meeting..
Heck, I got spare floppy drive and we could setup a coyote
firewall/router. I setup mine and it rocks.. virtually forget that its
there most of the time. That is until I tried to Xfer a file in Mirc LOL..
then I had to redo my port forwarding scripts to redirect the ports for my
machine. Did get it accomplished though.. working fine now.
Sounds to me like that would be a great use for those machines... I did
mine with my first "real" computer.. Micron 166Mhz.. now has a 133 Intel
proc in it though..
I say my first "real" computer, cuz my first computer was the TRS80
COCOII.. was more of a glorified keyboard.. but worked for programming in
basic real nicely... till I turned it off that is.. see, had no tape
drive.. but DID buy a modem for it.. LOL
At 11:36 AM 3/7/02 -0500, you wrote:
>Hi, JJ!
>GREAT Idea!
>I have some old ISA & VLB VGA cards, but don't expect to run X very
>well. Are the
>boards are ISA or >GASP!< VLB?? Some DEC Etherworks3 ISA NICs ... not
>much other
>hardware. Maybe some 4 Meg 72 pin SIMMs ... LOTS of 30 pin 1 Meg
>SIMMs! (Remember
>them??) Maybe a 40 MEG HD, but nothing larger, and only 5.25" floppy
>drives, not
>very helpful in that department. :-( I'll bring the 10baseT hub again.
>BTW, speaking of old hardware ... I found a "gotcha" in the Mandrake 8.1
>... The DEFAULT monitor is a High Frequency Super VGA monitor, well,
>that's NOT
>what I have, and because it's Xwindows, you CAN'T easily change it if you
>accept it! The default video mode drives older SVGA monitors berserk and
>may very
>well blow them out! I'm not impressed w/ an install that can seriously do
>to hardware just by accepting the default. Good thing I was working on
>the other
>computer (which also has an incompatable monitor!) while my daugher was
>running the
>install and rescued things before any damage was done. A rank newbie
>would just be
>appalled and confused and SOL if the monitor blew. I tried to fix things
>xf86config, but Mandrake blissfully ignored any changes I tried to
>make! Just one
>of the "hazards" of installing the newer distros on older hardware I
>guess. It's
>back to good ol' reliable :-D Slackware! :-D for my daughter and me! By
>the time
>she shows up for the next meeting, she'll be a "Slackware Babe"! ;-)
> > I have two smaller tower cases that have MB and ~P75 chips and a little
> memory, they
> > have video (1 does) and I can slap on some ISA nics. THey need floppy
> drives and
> > hard drives.
> >
> > I will brig them Sunday and donate them to teh group for people the use and
> > practive on. If anyone has strange hardware or old hard drives they
> can doante
> > bring them along, sound cards old speakers etc will also be welcome...
> >
> >
> > JJN
> >
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