where is the new meeting place?
Robert Dege
rdege at cse.Buffalo.EDU
Fri Apr 12 12:05:55 EDT 2002
I wasn't asking why you considered it beneficial for offers, but why you
personally find it easier that way. So if I undertand you
correctly, if you wanted to dual boot Win9x & WinXP, or Win2000 & BeOS,
something non-Linux related, you'd encourage 1 OS per HD as well?
> Well I'd think you would agree that we should never assume that everyone is
> at the same level of experience and
> that there is more then one way to approach an installation. The best way to
> get someone on the right track is by showing them the easyest way. To assume
> a higher level of expertise like a systems admin or such would be at first
> meeting the person a little much. My opinion stated that there are different
> ways of installing XP and RedHat together and since we are trying to get
> people accustomed to linux, I thought the easyest way is the best approach.
> Yes you can install both OS's on the same drive, but some have said at
> meetings and through this list that instead of trying to get both to live
> with each other on the same hard drive its easyer to install them on
> different drives. (ie: any windows/linux installation) Which I do agree
> with, but that is just an opinion not carved in stone!
> Ron
> >
> > Dege
> >
> > So Many Things in Life Would Be Really Funny
> > .... If They Weren't Happening To Me
> >
> >
So Many Things in Life Would Be Really Funny
.... If They Weren't Happening To Me
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