[nflug] Splitting large mp3 files
josephj at main.nc.us
Mon Dec 29 07:00:14 EST 2008
That finally got mp3splt installed and working.
As for audacity, I had seen the option about lame, but it didn't do
anything because in the file save as dialog you have to select files of
type mp3. Usually an option like this just controls what existing files
you see in the dialog, but in this case, it also selects the output format.
Cyber Source wrote:
> It's in the repos as mp3splt (dont ask me why). This is where
> apt-cache search as I explained comes in real handy.
> It's under edit/preferences/import/export. You must not have poked
> around too hard because it's pretty obvious in the preferences.
> Joe wrote:
>> I did the uncommenting and adding repositories thing some time ago and I
>> still don't find mp3split, so I still need to know what repo it's in so
>> I can figure out why.
>> How do I tell audacity where lame is? Lame is installed and working.
>> Joe
>> Cyber Source wrote:
>>> I would imagine that kbuntu would have the same repos as ubuntu. Edit
>>> /etc/apt/sources.list and uncomment any repos that might be commented.
>>> Then run "apt-get update", then "apt-get install mp3split". You can
>>> also search the repos by "apt-cache search words words" and this will
>>> find packages based on words, words. You can also limit this to would
>>> only be in the names with the optional "--names-only".
>>> Tell audacity where lame is, and then choose mp3 as an export type,
>>> browse through your options, gotta poke around a bit.
>>> Joe wrote:
>>>> mp3split:
>>>> What repository is it in? My system doesn't find it - and when I
>>>> downloaded a deb from the web, it couldn't find libmp3split.
>>>> audacity:
>>>> I just tried that and it wants to export as a wav file. Do I have
>>>> to do
>>>> that and then run each segment through lame?
>>>> Thanks.
>>>> Joe
>>>> Cyber Source wrote:
>>>>> sudo apt-get install mp3split.
>>>>> in audacity, select your time section, then export selection, repeat
>>>>> as necessary.
>>>>> Joshua Johnson wrote:
>>>>>> mp3split looks like the way to go. Maybe you can install it from
>>>>>> source?
>>>>>> Other than that the only things I can think of are audacity (which
>>>>>> you already tried) and ardour. Ardour I am positive can do it but it
>>>>>> is probably more cumbersome and complicated than audacity for this
>>>>>> task.
>>>>>> On Fri, Dec 26, 2008 at 2:35 AM, Joe <josephj at main.nc.us
>>>>>> <mailto:josephj at main.nc.us>> wrote:
>>>>>> I have an audio version of a book in the form of one 11+ hour
>>>>>> mp3
>>>>>> file.
>>>>>> This file is difficult to manage and my stand-alone player
>>>>>> gives up
>>>>>> after about 2 hours.
>>>>>> I'd like to break the file into one hour chunks. How do I do
>>>>>> that?
>>>>>> I tried loading it into audacity (which took 15 minutes). I
>>>>>> figured I
>>>>>> could select one section at a time and save it to its own
>>>>>> file. I
>>>>>> think
>>>>>> I was able to select a section, but I couldn't find any "Save
>>>>>> selection
>>>>>> to file" option.
>>>>>> Apparently, kubuntu hardy doesn't come with an audacity
>>>>>> documentation
>>>>>> package,
>>>>>> so the help function doesn't work. I'm going to try to find
>>>>>> it on
>>>>>> the web.
>>>>>> I found a utility called mp3split, but could not find a deb that
>>>>>> would
>>>>>> install (found one for it, but not for its library) and could
>>>>>> not
>>>>>> compile it from source.
>>>>>> Normally, I would just load the whole thing, chop it down to one
>>>>>> section
>>>>>> and save as. In this case though, that would take around 3 hours
>>>>>> just
>>>>>> for repeated loading of the original file.
>>>>>> Any ideas?
>>>>>> TIA
>>>>>> Joe
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