[nflug] Splitting large mp3 files
Cyber Source
peter at thecybersource.com
Sat Dec 27 11:51:20 EST 2008
I would imagine that kbuntu would have the same repos as ubuntu. Edit
/etc/apt/sources.list and uncomment any repos that might be commented.
Then run "apt-get update", then "apt-get install mp3split". You can also
search the repos by "apt-cache search words words" and this will find
packages based on words, words. You can also limit this to would only be
in the names with the optional "--names-only".
Tell audacity where lame is, and then choose mp3 as an export type,
browse through your options, gotta poke around a bit.
Joe wrote:
> mp3split:
> What repository is it in? My system doesn't find it - and when I
> downloaded a deb from the web, it couldn't find libmp3split.
> audacity:
> I just tried that and it wants to export as a wav file. Do I have to do
> that and then run each segment through lame?
> Thanks.
> Joe
> Cyber Source wrote:
>> sudo apt-get install mp3split.
>> in audacity, select your time section, then export selection, repeat
>> as necessary.
>> Joshua Johnson wrote:
>>> mp3split looks like the way to go. Maybe you can install it from source?
>>> Other than that the only things I can think of are audacity (which
>>> you already tried) and ardour. Ardour I am positive can do it but it
>>> is probably more cumbersome and complicated than audacity for this task.
>>> On Fri, Dec 26, 2008 at 2:35 AM, Joe <josephj at main.nc.us
>>> <mailto:josephj at main.nc.us>> wrote:
>>> I have an audio version of a book in the form of one 11+ hour mp3
>>> file.
>>> This file is difficult to manage and my stand-alone player gives up
>>> after about 2 hours.
>>> I'd like to break the file into one hour chunks. How do I do that?
>>> I tried loading it into audacity (which took 15 minutes). I
>>> figured I
>>> could select one section at a time and save it to its own file. I
>>> think
>>> I was able to select a section, but I couldn't find any "Save
>>> selection
>>> to file" option.
>>> Apparently, kubuntu hardy doesn't come with an audacity
>>> documentation
>>> package,
>>> so the help function doesn't work. I'm going to try to find it on
>>> the web.
>>> I found a utility called mp3split, but could not find a deb that
>>> would
>>> install (found one for it, but not for its library) and could not
>>> compile it from source.
>>> Normally, I would just load the whole thing, chop it down to one
>>> section
>>> and save as. In this case though, that would take around 3 hours
>>> just
>>> for repeated loading of the original file.
>>> Any ideas?
>>> TIA
>>> Joe
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