That's the reason (WAS Re: [nflug] feisty, indeed)
Cyber Source
peter at
Tue May 8 07:46:33 EDT 2007
JJ Neff wrote:
> See I think you just hit upon the single biggest reason against using OS Software ! You can't sue everyone for big piles o' cash! Man if we could just sue each other no one would ever have to work again.
> Sorry I was just trying to grab sysinternals stuff tonight - yes I know I'm out of the loop - long time since I've had straight System admin type fnx to do. So anyway I realized ONLY TODAY that MS bought sysinternals promising to keep th project open then within 4 months removed the source and made it IC (intellectual capital!)
> Does anyone ever see stuff like this as a VERY DANGEROUS warning sign that any attempt by MS to purchase Linux companies or partners is a BAD Thing (tm)
> Oh and why am I writing - becasue I'm waiting hours for my Debian-ARM installation to complete on my NSLU2 linksys device. Now there is a company that has it right - while not officially supporting the port projects of their network device they don't attempt to sue for royalties or rights or patent infringment knowing that millions will buy the device ONLY because they CAN hack it and do whatever they want with it. Then Linksys can sell more and officially NOT have to support them ! Works for them - works for OS community.
> Wow - I've been up too long (morning started at 4:45 or thereabouts - stupid Fed govt projects and their crazy early mornings!)... Anyway - my reboot of the NSLU2 NAS device is pending - My 300 GB USB drive will (hopefully) soon be serving up all my favorite debian goodness - soon a web server, datadump, and music server will be running full time on devices I can stuff in a shoe box! Love it! THen my main machine can go back to waht it was intended - gaming!!
> Which of course brings up the question of installing WinXP on an existing linux installation - I know I proposed this before and I even tried it (AND ROYALLY fubar'd my partitions! Spent ALL NIGht a few weeks ago redoing all my necessary sytem files/scripts to use the new mangled partitions! (THANK YOU Knoppix DVD adn #debian irc!)
> SO now That I've freed up the server tasks I want to get XP running for the sole purpose of runnign some games I ma nto happy with the performance of - I play doom3 exclusively under linux. However TombRaider 3 under wine leaves a lot to be desired! Also Prince of Persia wont even run correctly - not to mention the HOST of kids application smy boys have aquired - the windows laptop (not the work one but an old one) I have jsut won't hack it video wise.
> SO Now I need to figure out how to use some GRUB magic to get XP to install without F(*()) ## my partition table...
> JJ
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: Robert Meyer <meyer_rm at>
> To: nflug at
> Sent: Monday, May 7, 2007 10:41:21 PM
> Subject: Re: [nflug] feisty, indeed
> Hmmm... Ubiquity, huh... I think that Engineering Computing Services at UB grabbed that name first. Maybe they could sue for trademark infringement and make a pile 'o cash... :-) Or not.
> Cheers!
> Bob
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: Stephen Burke <qfwfq at>
> To: nflug at
> Sent: Monday, May 7, 2007 11:12:11 PM
> Subject: Re: [nflug] feisty, indeed
> ok,
> I probably should have learned that ubiquity was the installer program
> before asking that, but I keep thinking "anaconda" after so many
> rehat-type installs. never actually saw ubiquity named before. after
> watching the damn thing fail TOO many times, I felt like I was trapped
> in a philip k dick novel. ;-)
> anyway,
> sudo ubiquity --no-migration-assistant
> seems to have done the trick.
> Just posting here now for the record, and in case I forget hyphens or
> something next time.
> oops,
> S.
> Stephen Burke wrote:
>> I have managed to get fiesty going on a couple of machines, but so far
>> only by upgrading a working edfy install. At the moment I'm trying to
>> get feisty to install on a nachine with a usb wireless card because it's
>> the only livecd that can get to the web with that card, so I can't even
>> do the upgrade. For some reason the ubiquity crashes every time just
>> after setting up the partitions, during the profile migration (whether
>> the xp profile detected is chosen for migration or not).
>> All I've found on google at all was one suggestion to "sudo apt-get
>> install ubiquity" before running the installer but that doesn't seem to
>> be doing the trick.
>> Have you seen this? Know a way around it? Is is the damn disk again?
>> Thanks,
>> S.
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More info needed. Are you going to make room for an ntfs partition on
this drive and then xp install to that?
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