[nflug] entire hard drive copy
joshj at linuxmail.org
joshj at linuxmail.org
Wed Jan 31 11:45:52 EST 2007
Thus spake joshj at linuxmail.org:
> Thus spake eric:
>> using knoppix or other cd running distro I can do the following to
>> create an image of the hard drive, and the deploy the image to other
>> computers doing the opposite correct? And, would I have to use
>> something like QTParted to resize if the image is too small or too large
>> for the new hard drive?
>> "tar cf - /dev/hda | ssh DestinationServer dd
>> of=/my-directory/my-hda-image"
> close
> dd if=/dev/hda |ssh server "dd of=/dev/hdX"
> or
> dd if=/dev/hda |ssh server "dd of=/dir/image.raw"
>> :) I know this has been talked about, but I don't have the email
>> anymore, I bought a knoppix book but it's at home and doesn't talk about
>> the resizing of the image to fit or grow on different size hard drives
>> which I seem to remember being an issue?
(I Should have read a little furthur). If I remember, I think that
copying directly to larger HD is fine (I think the last partition picks
up any extra space. But don't quote me on that). If its smaller you
will have to do some finagling or use a different tool (I don't know
what though).
You can use tar in the capacity that you described if you make the
partitions on the destination server ahead-of-time and then copy (so,
this will work with different sized hard drives as long as the contents
of a source partition aren't larger than the space alotted in the
destination partition):
tar -cf - /mountpoint/for/partion/* |gzip -c -9 |ssh server "tar zxvf -
-C /your/new/mountpoint"
>> Thank Eric
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