[nflug] External Hardrives with Linux.
Dennis Ruzeski
denniruz at gmail.com
Thu Sep 7 00:36:51 EDT 2006
Neatest external drive I ever saw could attach via usb, firewire. or
ethernet! It had nfs and samba and could be direct attach or network attach
and the price was super reasonable.
Very nifty device but I don't remember who makes it. I'll dig around and if
I find it I'll post a link.
On 9/6/06, JJ Neff <jjneff at yahoo.com> wrote:
> I want to use a Harddrive with an external chassis with USB/Firewire. I
> have one picked out but then a few thoughts struck me!
> If I use the external storage on Linux it will show up as SD* drive and I
> will format it with a linux Filesystem and then it won't work in Windows ,
> but If I use FAT will I get horrible performance and be limited in the size
> of partitions and files?
> What are some of you doing for large external storage?
> I also am in the market for an NSLU2 linksys with attached storage - my
> hope is to get a debian system running on a USB attached Hardrive then I
> have one place to go for LAMP and Files (large videos and music) (and can
> keep my game system off when not needed)
> I lost my main PC today when my videocard heated up too much. It froze ,
> I vacuumed everything out (DUSTY!) and then NO booting!- After reviving an
> OLD gentoo box and copying data I was saving on it off to a win latop via
> network I used piece by piece to determine what was wrong- Turns out the
> 450 Watt Power supply died at the same time the video card froze (maybe they
> went together)
> SO I had to yank a 250 Watt power supply and slap it in - didn't power up
> one dvdrom drive or floppy to save a little power. So I'll be buying a new
> power supply or a new Bare bones - great one at TigerDirect.
> Anyway since I have to buy some new parts I figured I'd buy an NSLU2 and
> external HardDrive and get the system setup - I will probably need 2
> Externals - One to attach to the NSLU2 and a second to have as tranport for
> doing Backups. Man when I lost this PC for a day I was totally LOST! - The
> bigger the HArddrives get the more there is to lose all at once!
> Anyway what are some of you doing for backup and retention of data etc.
> Also some suggestion for how to backup Home dirs, /Opt/Vault and other
> select locations (VMware images etc) script samples are welcome!
> Also the video card is running right now and seems to be OK but I haven't
> yet watched video or tried 3d graphics...
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