[nflug] restoring windows w/out bothering Linux

anthonyriga torrodimerda at yahoo.com
Tue Feb 21 13:47:48 EST 2006

Getting someone into Linux is a seems like a big time investment. You become there "go-to" guy, they guy they turn to when they don't RTFM, when they RTFM, but don't understand it (Try "man 7 regex"), and when they totally borked their documentation resources. But I do myself promote it and setup users with dual boots. My stepfather can use it girlfried uses it and my 10yr old nephew  uses abd loves it always askes me stuff. The more I show the more he wants to learn. 
joshj at linuxmail.org wrote: >> snip
> If my 80something step-mother can do Linux, ANYONE can! As long as you give 
> them easy email and web browsing (Firefox/Thunderbird), the rest is cake.

Oh, he could do it, but between him and his girlfriend they would
constantly be like "Josh, where's minesweeper?" or "Josh, I just bought
this scanner and I followed the installation instructions and it doesn't
work. the cd won't even launch!" or "Josh, this really cool geneology
program I had for my old computer doesn't work on this one". I'd love to
get them switched over, but they are just-enough-used-to-windows that it
would be tough. They would have to consult with me before buying
anything so that I could first make sure it would work with Linux. This
was just easier for me. I tightened windows down the best I could. But
when it comes time to reinstall maybe I'll make up some bullshite about
how all those programs made the computer slow (which, in a way, they
will) and that using Linux with just these programs which I have
installed is the only way around this. And then they will see first-hand
how slow spyware and whatnot can make a pc. I've got them hooked up with
Firefox and Thunderbird and told them that if they must instant-message
then use gaim.

I hate to resort to them using windows. I really do. I wish that fate on
noone. But its hard, because at some point they will want to buy a
photo-organizer that they tried at a friends house that was really cool
or something.

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