[nflug] more fun with apt
evrgreen at netsync.net
Mon Dec 11 19:07:39 EST 2006
Stephen Burke wrote:
> I was all ready to follow John's advice and throw mepis on there, but
> Qtparted in the mepis installer didn't want to let me create a new
> /home partition and elive's gparted let me make one no problem, so I
> thought I'd screw around with elive some more.
> Not being a programmer, I'm even less adept at cvs than apt. I tried
> getting e17 from cvs once and it just dumped a 500mb or so folder into
> my /home full of stuff I couldn't comprehend. I also tried putting e17
> on this machine (ubuntu edgy) from the freedesktop site sources, but
> it doesn't want to start even though it installed without problems, so
> I'm still in e16 here.
> Fun for days.
> Thanks,
> S.
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Hi, Steve,
Yeah, I don't like the Qparted that comes with the Mepis installer
either. I always use the Gparted Live CD to do my partitioning prior to
installing any distro.
That is one handy little Live CD. I carry it around with me on a
credit-card size CD in my wallet.
It impresses the hell out of girls at cocktail parties!
[Well, not really. . . I must have dozed off and dreamt that part.] But
it *is* small & works flawlessly --so far.
While I was on the Mepislovers.com forum, I asked if anyone with
experience running enlightenment had any feedback as to stability &
preference of e16 vs. e17.
Not a lot of input so far, but one of the 2 guys who answered also
posted a link to another e17 related thread, so that might be of some
interest to you.
Here's a link to my thread:
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