Cyber Source
peter at thecybersource.com
Tue Oct 11 08:08:43 EDT 2005
1. The folder is not there, you need to create the folder, then copy the
timidity.cfg into it.
2. The config needs to all be run as one line, with all those options.
3. It sound like you didn't run "make" and then "make install"(as root)
after it compiled.
4. Running make install would have put the executable at
/usr/local/bin/timidity, the rpm install puts it in /usr/bin/timidity.
jb wrote:
>Everything seemed to go smooth until I went to /usr/local/share/ to copy the
>config file into the timidity folder, it wasn't there. I made a folder and
>put timidity.cfg in it but I tried "which timidity" without results. I then
>did rpm -qa|grep midity to get the version and then rpm -e and the version
>given. Then when I did which timidity and it came back with no timidity in a
>bunch of places.
>It's probably obvious I did something noob with the compile. At first I copied
>and pasted your ./configure but it caughed on the two other lines
>below ./configure --enable-audio=default, then I put it all as a single
>command and it didn't gag and seemed to compile with all the enables and then
>thats where I ran into the missing folder in /usr/local/share/.
>I'm using smart instead of yum and I checked for timidity ++ and it was no
>longer installed. I re-installed TiMidity ++ and ran timidity -ig and it came
>back with
>Playmode `k' is not compiled in.
>Interface `g' is not compiled in.
>So I guess I'm back to square one and probably tried putting a square peg in a
>round hole with my noob terminal commands, probably good for a chuckle
>though. One thing I did notice the current version of timidity I downloaded
>from sourceforge wasn't quite as current as the one I get from my smart
>repositories and quite a bit smaller if I'm not mistaken. If you can tell
>what I did wrong please point me in the right direction.
>Thanks, your always a great help Cyber.
>On Mon October 10 2005 21:21, Cyber Source wrote:
>>Ok, I played with this a while back because my step-mother was using FC
>>and some friend of hers was sending her midi files or stupid emails with
>>midi's playing as background music, etc.. You can tell your email app to
>>use timidity but then you notice that you can't stop the file until the
>>end because you have not gui control, etc.. So, you already have it
>>installed, good. You could easily do "yum install timidity++" for those
>>that don't have it. However, this won't give you a gui, it needs to be
>>compiled in and the called when executing the binary. Go to
>>http://timidity.sourceforge.net and download the lastest, LEAVE THE ONE
>>YOU HAVE INSTALLED ALREADY, you'll see why in a minute. Compile the
>>downloaded timidity, I used the following options, the install file
>>explains all,
>>./configure --enable-audio=default
>>--enable-interface=gtk,ncurses,motif,tcltk,xskin,slang --enable-network
>>Then make, make install. This will put the executable in
>>/usr/local/bin/timidity. One HUGE thing that will be missing is the
>>timidity.cfg file but the install from yum (or rpm) will have one at
>>/etc/timidity.cfg. Copy this file to
>>/usr/local/share/timidity/timidity.cfg. Do a "which timidity", if it
>>comes back /usr/local/bin/timidity it's ok, that's the one put on from
>>the compile, if not, after you copied the cfg file, you can rpm -e the
>>installed timidity rpm (rpm -qa|grep midity) will give the exact name,
>>left some out for case, etc. The whole reason to leave or use the
>>rpm/yum install was to get the cfg file, if you have a look at that
>>monster, you'll see it's no cake to figure out.
>>Now, timidity -ig should fire it up with the gtk gui, try it out, let me
>>jb wrote:
>>>I found something that may help with diagnosing the problem. If I right
>>>click on the mid file and click open with and navigate to
>>>/usr/bin/timidity the file will play but I have no visual control, it
>>>just plays until it stops. Not sure if that tidbit helps but it seems
>>>like it narrows things down a bit. At least it isn't a hardware problem
>>>and the comp is capable of playing that file type? Must be a setting
>>>On Mon October 10 2005 15:36, jb wrote:
>>>>I'm using FC4 and I tried to play a mid music file and no sound. In the
>>>>control center I tested MIDI and nothing. In the hardware section it has
>>>>select midi device and the only selection is Midi Through Midi Through
>>>>Port-o-ALSA device. I'm not sure what to try next, I tried alsaconfig in
>>>>a terminal but it said command not found. Not sure what to try next. I
>>>>can play other types like mp3, is there a setting I need to do or do I
>>>>need a plugin to play mid files? I didn't have any problem with them
>>>>when I was using RH9 so the hardware isn't a problem just a setting or a
>>>>missing lib or something? Any help would be appreciated.
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