[nflug] ubuntu breezy badger install on compaq v2000z
vlok stone
vlokstone at yahoo.com
Fri Nov 25 07:58:39 EST 2005
I came across this thread. Hope it helps. It includes
the xorg.conf that
ubuntu uses.
--- nolf <precognitive at gmail.com> wrote:
> I was wondering if anyone here has figured out the
> driver issues
> of installing ubuntu breezy badger on ati radeon
> cards,
> express 200 M
> I can't get the X-server to start. It continues to
> crash evrytime I manage
> to start it at the
> first place.
> I have checked out the ubuntu-forums for 3 dayz now
> and haven't figured out
> exactly
> what all steps to be taken in order to install it.
> Also, could anyone suggest a way to make K3b
> recognise the dvd-rw drive.
> It only configures it as a cd-rw drive. Whenever I
> play a dvd, the app
> crashes!
> Finally, I am getting "Too many frames getting
> dropped Error!" while using
> xine or other players based on the xine engine. I
> have a 512 MB 333Mhz
> PC2700 RAM, and
> am thinking of getting a 512Meg/1Gig stick. However,
> what I wished to know
> was, how much RAM would
> suffice for the task at hand???
> Happy thanksgivings to one and all!...
> ---
> hope is the quintessential human illusion...
> simultaneously the source of
> your greatest
> strength and your greatest weakness
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