Poll of sorts-
Dave Mangani
dmangani at adelphia.net
Thu Mar 10 15:38:17 EST 2005
Dennis Ruzeski wrote:
>I'm curious about something--
>How do you all use Linux? Are there many people on the list that use it in a corporate/enterprise environment or is it more for desktop/home use?
>I've only been to a couple of meetings, but they seem to center more around 'Linux as a Windows desktop replacement', which is great since Windows sucks, but I'd like to see more meeting topics revolving around things like high-volume system administration, tuning for performance and uptime, and Linux in the enterprise. Anybody else that would like to do things like this?
Hi all,
I suppose I am somewhat of a different user here on the group. I
work as an electrical substation electrician for one of the 2 main
electrical utilities in the area. At work I have no connection what so
ever with "IT" or "IT systems". I have however taken many computer
courses over the years because it is an interest/hobby of mine. I
started out in high school using an old acoustic modem to connect to the
school districts mainframe and play a hunt the wumpus type adventure
game! By the way... no monitor, only a loud old dot matrix printer as
output. From there on to TI-99/4A, atari,commadore, Tandy etc...I began
using linux about 18 months ago after following it via reviews/previews
in magazines. I use linux at home in a stricktly desktop/workstation
environment. I enjoy the challenge of getting things to "work". I find
it mentally invigorating and rewarding. I love using linux and learning
interesting new uses and techniques for reaching my "goals". I'm sure
that my "goals" are fairly limited and basic but I feel very good when I
can get my DVD's to play, or figure out how to convert audio file
formats or even set up a shared partition with my windows machine.
Getting my palm pilot to sync was a big deal for me. God knows why as I
don't really use my palm pilot. I suppose, just to see if I could get it
to "work" ( I still use windows for games :-) ). Alot of the areas
discussed on this group are far above my level of understanding. Alot of
the items discussed I may never use or need to know, but it is still
knowledge and there have been many times that this goup has had some
super tips for a user like me. Thanks for this wonderful outlet and
resource. I know I for one appreciate all the knowledge you guys freely
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