external compat modem
torrodimerda at yahoo.com
Sat Feb 5 18:02:43 EST 2005
Anyone know of an easy setup compatable Fed 3 external
modem brand? After my stepfather used Linux at my
house to check his mail and do some surfing he
actually thought he was using Windbows. My stepfather
is very novice computer user too. After realizing how
well Linux worked and he wasnt getting adware,spyware
popups etc.. on my pc my stepfather is now asking me
to setup linux on his pc and wipe out Winblows
because he is sick of fighting with Windblows XP to
keep running. I did nothing to convince him to use
Linux this was all on his own. He uses Usadatanet as
his provider but I dont think this should be a
problem. Thats another customer Microshaft lost...
I think if there were more marketing and a real big
push for Linux in radio tv advertisements and
billboards,community classes where people can be
taught and pushing it to be preloaded in stores at
least more people would be aware of Linux. .
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