apache htpasswd

David Purucker purucker at hotmail.com
Wed Aug 3 10:33:40 EDT 2005

Here is another nice example from the SAMS Apache 2 Book...


The Satisfy directive enables you to determine whether both types of access 
restrictions must be satisfied in order to grant access. Satisfy accepts one 
parameter, which can be either all or any.

Satisfy all means that the client will be granted access if it provides a 
valid username and password and passes the access restrictions. Satisfy any 
means the client will be granted access if it provides a valid username and 
password or passes the access restrictions.

Why is this useful? For example, you might want to provide free access to 
your Web site to users coming from an internal, trusted network address, but 
require users coming from the Internet to provide a valid username and 
password. Listing 7.7 demonstrates just that.
Listing 7.7 Mixing Authentication and Access Control Rules

1: <Location /restricted>
2: Order allow,deny
3: Allow from
4: AuthType Basic
5: AuthName "Intranet"
6: AuthUserFile /usr/local/apache2/conf/htusers
7: AuthAuthoritative on
8: Require valid-user
9: Satisfy any
10: </Location>


Good Luck


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