8 is enough
Cyber Source
peter at thecybersource.com
Tue Nov 23 16:54:18 EST 2004
the addressing of smb:/// with the third slash will show all workgroups
in your network
Stephen Burke wrote:
> ebenoit at hopevale.com wrote:
> :) thanks ...me cringing too
> Quoting Cyber Source <peter at thecybersource.com>:
>> being a rabid GNOME fan, it pains me to say this but.....if your
>> using GNOME, fire up (cringe) Konqueror and put smb:/// in the
>> address bar, it has no problem playing songs, etc. from samba locations.
>> ebenoit at hopevale.com wrote:
> Why all the cringing?
> I only cringe when I am forced to use a M$ box, like for swapping mp3s
> on my iRiver mp3 player which I have not yet been able to connect to
> with a Linux box, even though I found the ifp-driver at sourceforge
> some time ago.
> Personally, I can no longer take EITHER gnome or KDE, as they both
> look way too much like the boring old M$ desktop (taskbar, systray,
> etc), so I use enlightenment. For whatever reason the "home folder"
> choice in the enlightenment menu opens a Nautilus window which I can
> do without, so I open konqeror from another menu, which is much
> friendlier to samba than Nautilus, as stated above. (I would use
> blackbox more, probably, if I could figure out how to change the
> background image there.)
> I wonder about the addressing, though, since I have only been using
> two slashes like so : smb://WinBox or smb://workgroup or
> smb://WinBox/share. That is good for browsing in konqueror, but if you
> go to play mp3s or a movie or whatever, konqueror is going to keep
> asking you what you want to with the file everytime (unless you choose
> the "do not ask again" and then you're stuck doing the same damn thing
> every time until you figure out how to get the choice back). When I
> use three slashes, I get a popup saying :
> Internal Error
> Please send a full bug report at http://bugs.kde.org
> Unknown error condition
> A much more direct way to get at stuff on a M$ box is to mount the
> samba shares on your system and then konqueror and nautilus will work
> with them as if they were just another drive (though I have not
> figured out how to get M$ to allow me to write to an smb drive from
> here(SuSE 8.2), so if anyone knows about that, please enlighten me
> [thanks]).
> The way to mount them is this:
> $ mkdir /some/mount/folder
> $su
> Password:
> #mount -t smbfs //WinBox/share /some/mount/folder {one
> space between, though I have put two here to see better)
> Password: {for WinUser on WinBox}
> #
> Then konqueror and Nautilus will both be much friendlier to browse with.
> (you will have to "su" sooner if you want to make the mount directory
> in /mnt or some other place like that. I have been simply mounting
> things in my home folder, which seems to work pretty well and makes
> things easy to find [and have permissions to])
> It probably helps helps to have the same user account name on both
> machines.
> I do and it seems to work.
> Sorry if this is getting long, but I am also new-ish to this list and
> haven't yet figured out how much reading people here will tolerate.
> So I will answer the other newcomer (Don) question here also, as I
> will never get to replying to the mailing individually.
> ---I am new to the list, and I have a couple of questions:
> ---What OS is everyone running?
> ---What are the meetings like?
> I am using SuSE 8.2 to do most things these days (the BLAG
> installation that I wrote about in my only other post here didn't
> quite work, as I found it lacking in various key tools (gcc, etc.)
> when I went to try to use konstruct to put some KDE stuff in there, so
> I left it for later examination and rebuilt something likethe SuSE
> system I had going before).
> I also built this box with a removable HD so that I can toy with
> different systems on it, and am currently trying to wrestle an FC3
> system into place on another drive. I have tried installing many
> different systems there, but SuSE seems to be friendliest with my
> hardware. Everything else (slackware, FreeBSD, fedora, debian) seems
> to make the whole house of cards collapse as soon as I get to xconfig.
> I also have a couple of Redhat 9 laptops configured to teleconference
> with gnomemeeting, which is curious, since Redhat stopped supporting 9
> and the webcam's driver maintainer stopped maintaining the PWC driver
> (apparently after some long, dramatic battle with the kernel
> maintainers that I missed until it was already over) right around the
> time when I had finally finished configuring my system. I'm just glad
> I didn't go ahead and write the manual for that system (which was the
> original plan), but I am all set up to toy with teleconferencing, if
> anyone here is so equipped and would like to connect in a an H323 kind
> of way. I need practice with it, as the user at the other end of the
> system I was trying to build (in NYC) kind of had other things to do
> by the time I was connected.
> As for the question about meetings, though I truly wanted to attend
> the one last sunday, two years of graduate school night classes have
> left me on a twisted schedule where I cannot really get to bed before
> 4am, which leaves me rising around noon. After recent posts concerning
> punctuality, I knew I would never make it on time, so I haven't yet
> been to a meeting to find out and am also curious as well about what
> happens there.
> That's all for me.
> Sorry if this was all too much, but my undergraduate degree was
> English Literature and once I start writing it's tough to sum it all
> up in 25 words or less.
> ;-),
> S.
> Oh, yeah, xfce has and interesting file browser as well, xffm, which
> seems rather friendly, though habit generally keeps me opening konqueror.
>>>> Does anyone know of another file browser besides Nautilus ...I depise
>>> Nautilus
>>>> not being able to figure out that I want to open a folder in a file
>>>> share on
>>> a
>>>> windows server and use the files I have in there ...I have been
>>>> connecting
>>> with
>>>> smbclient/terminal by bringing the file down putting the file up
>>>> and it is
>>>> getting old.
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