next meeting topic
vlok stone
vlokstone at
Sun May 23 14:47:05 EDT 2004
Sounds good to me. I've had issues w/ modprobe failed
and having to force the drivers, it works but it's
kinda sloppy. Overcoming kernel issues before they
overcome you. Why wait 'til next month. We could
rendevous on a weeknight. Just a thought.
--- Cyber Source <peter at> wrote:
> Ok, I have a suggestion for the next meeting topic.
> It's not a new one,
> rather one that has NEVER gotten accomplished to ANY
> degree. That being
> ANYTHING with the kernel! I would like to see
> something, be it a patch,
> complete installation of a new one, configuring an
> existing one,
> whatever, but something besides just talk about,
> just do this, that and
> it's all set. Detect some frustration here??
> Every attempt I have witnessed or tried has
> failed, there must be
> someone on this list that can perform some kernel
> modifications with
> success.
> That being said, the reason for this is that I have
> downloaded the new
> Fedora Core 2 the other day and began to play. I
> like what I see for the
> most part with the new 2.6 kernel, etc., however,
> there are a couple of
> real issues at the moment.
> 1. FC2's version of the 2.6 kernel does not work
> with the NVIDIA drivers
> as there is some 4KSTACKS problem. I found this
> while trying to work out
> why they weren't working, etc. Apparently there is a
> kernel patch that
> can be applied while waiting for NVIDIA to come out
> with a driver that
> does not have this problem, etc. So, see above.
> This might be (stress might) why Bob Meyer was
> having trouble with his
> NVIDIA driver on his Mandrake 10 laptop using more
> than 16BIT color.
> 2. There is a samba issue as well. Dug deep enough
> to find people
> bitchin about it on the net with varying solutions,
> none that worked for me.
> Anyway, as was with FC1, it took a bit to get used
> to the changes, etc.
> But if we could finally have a meeting that could
> have a successful
> whack at the kernel, that would be great.
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