Types of partitions
vlok stone
vlokstone at yahoo.com
Wed Mar 10 09:06:12 EST 2004
here's a couple good explainations.
--- TheCactusKid Cactus <thecactuskid45 at yahoo.com>
> Hi y'all,
> I've got a question. Now I read that there's a
> /boot, /root, /swap, /user/local & or /user, (don't
> really understand the difference?) and /home. Are
> there any others I should know about in a typical
> installation or is this it? What would be the
> difference between.... in the line-up that
> is....from a Workstation and Server class install.
> (as far as types of partitions) What would be the
> line-up of either? I know I'm not setting up a
> server class system but for the heck of it what
> would be the line-up? Thanks for all the help.
> tHecActUsKid:)
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