Volume control issue

Ron Rose rcr at sysr.com
Wed Dec 15 10:48:49 EST 2004

Matt Brown wrote:

>Regarding the volume control forgetting where you set it, with RedHat 
>9, I can set the volume levels with aumix. Once the levels are set, I 
>run 'aumix -S' to save them.
>Hope that works for you,
>Matt Brown
>---------- Original Message -----------
>From: <frank at mogosystems.com>
>To: nflug at nflug.org
>Sent: 15 Dec 2004 02:21:05 -0000
>Subject: Volume control issue

Confused.  I signed on to receive the NFLUG newsletter, and then began 
to receive copies of emails sent between other people, presumably NFLUG 
members.  Is this the newsletter?  Do you have a meeting, where and 
when?  I'm new to Linux and would like to attend.  Please unconfuse me.

rcr at sysr.com

>>My volume control does not save the settings I put it at. As a 
>>result of this, I have to open volume control and unmute and 
>>raise volume on anything I want to listen to. What file do I 
>>need to alter to keep the settings intact.
>>Mplayer can see /mnt but it does not see /mnt/cdrom. Any ideas 
>>how to resolve this?  Why can't I play .wmv in mplayer? It's 
>>ridiculous, I know. One brother sends me .mpg and the other 
>>sends .wmv.
>------- End of Original Message -------

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