vlok stone
vlokstone at
Fri Sep 12 21:22:32 EDT 2003
1. see if your getting an address
type /sbin/ifconfig - this will tell you what
devices and addresses are seen.
2. if you're getting a valid address check to see if
you can ping by ip address, then by name( ei
3. if you hav an ip and can't ping it may be your
firewall. try shutting it down w/ this command as root
#/sbin/service iptables stop
try to ping again. hope this helps. if not give us any
of the info from the above instructions and we'll
take it from there. this sound like a minor issue
( firewall). but it could be DNS issues.
--- Anthony Corrice <acorrice at> wrote:
> I am new to Linux and new to the User's Group. I
> don't know what the appropriate method of asking for
> help from the User's Group is- I hope it's ok to
> just throw out a question.
> Can anyone provide any information on how to access
> the internet via Adelphia Powerlink? I just
> installed Linux for the first time on a new PC (SuSE
> Professional 8.2) and the installer seemed to
> recognize my ethernet card, but no luck getting
> online yet.
> Thank you,
> Tony
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