Richard Hubbard
rhubby at
Thu Sep 11 21:25:28 EDT 2003
Good job!
Of course, now that you roughed it, I'll tell you that
you probably could have used pico, or did a startx and
used gedit or kate.
But all true geeks (well, except for those heretics
from emacsland) know that using vi will impress your
girlfriend (or get you one if you don't have one) give
you bigger pecs, grow hair on your chest, lets you
drink more beer, gives you great smelling underarms,
lets you ditch the viagara, and lots of other macho
things. ;-)
Of course, the true reason to understand vi is that it
is always there. As soon as you assume that the next
box you have to fix has pico or something else, Mr.
Murphy will slap you a few times and give you nvi (try
it out sometime. Talk about hair on your chest!)
But no matter what, nvi on it's worst days beats the
hell out of anything from m$ on its best days.
--- JB <mesimpleton at> wrote:
> Thanks guys, I was getting a head ache trying to
> figure out how to save and exit using vi. Later I
> will
> read up more about vim and how to use it. The Nvidia
> driver installed like a charm. Unfortunatly it is 2D
> accelleration, but thats better than generic.
> Thanks again for the quick info.
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