PHP/Apache 2 question
Richard Hubbard
rhubby at
Tue Sep 9 08:11:44 EDT 2003
I know this is a difficult question to get a precise
answer to, so all I'm really looking for is a 'big
picture' answer.
The php website says that php with Apache2 is still
expirimental and not recommended for production use.
However, many of the simple scripts i've tried seem to
work without a problem.
Is this issue based on lack of testing for security
issues/load issues or something else? Essentially, I
have a student testing and grading system planned that
initially will only be used for 20 students at a time,
with the web server brought up just before the test,
and brought down just after the test. In this way,
there will be no extended run times and few if any
security issues dealing with someone trying large
scale hacks on the site at night. Is PHP/Apache 2
combination too unstable for this, or is only
warning us not to put our entire business on a large
scale e-commerce site using apache 2?
Thanks for the input.
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