Tranfering Linux
Joshua Altemoos
joshua at
Sat May 17 22:36:17 EDT 2003
well Linux is going on a second HD and windows on the first and i had
linux first so...... also i have no way of making a boot disk =(
On Sat, 2003-05-17 at 22:30, ron browning wrote:
> I put XP pro on first and left blank partition space and then
> installed RH 9 and all works fine. Remember, always put windows
> first!
> "Kevin E. Glosser" <keg at> wrote:
> On Sat, 2003-05-17 at 15:01, Cyber Source wrote:
> > I have also never had a problem with it being master/slave
> or
> > whatever, it is totally configurable in lilo
> When I put XP on, neither Grub nor Lilo would enter the second
> boot
> stage and become responsive. My machine just sat there.
> I scoured the net looking for solutions. I found tons.
> Unfortunately,
> none of them were correct. Some pointed to the BIOS, some
> pointed to the
> boot loader being in the MBR as opposed to the first boot
> sector on the
> hard drive.
> Other people gave workarounds for using XP's bootloader and
> then editing
> boot.ini. I didn't want to try this. There was no reason for
> Grub or
> Lilo to not work.
> In the end, although the great majority of people(including
> Redhat's own
> documentation) said NOT to put Grub in the MBR, that is where
> I put it.
> I have no real an! swer why previously it did not work, other
> than i
> believe a newer version of Grub may be the reason I eventually
> got it to
> work. However, it was odd that Lilo didn't work either. I had
> always
> used Lilo in the past.
> Regardless, my previous post was meant to state that 1) the
> solution i
> used, does work 2) it IS possible to have issues dual booting
> NT/2000/XP
> and Linux and 3) for convenience I added the other
> recommendations.
> Peter, is there a particular reason why you favor FAT32 over
> NTFS 5.1?
> Other, than what I already stated.
> Microsoft file systems are traditionally considered crap. So,
> choosing
> one evil over the other isn't necessarily a joyful occasion.
> I've never
> heard anyone say they loved the FAT file system. I've never
> heard anyone
> say they liked NTFS either, but it does have some abilities
> FAT32
> doesn't. I'm just curious to what makes it unappealing.
> Thanks for any response in advance.
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