Play Windows Media files from within Mozilla?
Asheville Joe
josephj at
Mon May 12 11:01:20 EDT 2003
Well, I searched further and got mplayerplug-in.v0.71.tar.gz from
I untared it, switched to the directory. ran make (no errors), and then
did a
cp /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins
(as directed).
Then, I went online to and clicked on a 56k video
in Mozilla.
A window opens up for Iplayer and I get a short burst of modem activity
(a second or two) and that's that.
Just for the heck of it, I clicked on Iplayer's preferences link. It
says something like wait while I test your system. I get a very short
data spike on the modem and that's the end of that too. It doesn't come
back or do anything further.
What I done wrong? Is it the wrong plug-in file?
shipdadip wrote:
>I think the command to extract that file is bunzip or something. Screw
>that though, get the RPM file. RPM stands for Redhat Package Manager, but
>Mandrake uses RPM files too. RPM files are preconigured/pre-compiled
>files and 1 command installs them. So go to the site and get the file
>ending in RPM.
>On Sat, 10 May 2003, Asheville Joe wrote:
>>Please bear with a newbie. Which of these would work best for Mozilla
>>on Mandrake 9.1?
>>How do you unpack a file that ends in .tar.bz2? tar -xvzf <file> didn't
>>Cyber Source wrote:
>>>Yes, I played with it too, totally cool. I have a friend that was trying
>>>to watch yahoo movie trailers and just couldn't get it going via
>>>realplayer on RH9. I downloaded the rpm for the mplayer plugin and now I
>>>just tell it to stream via windows media player, while in mozilla and it
>>>plays perfectly, totally cool! One thing to note for anyone else that
>>>tries this, from that site you can download the mini skin which will
>>>show a progress bar in the window and allow stop, pause and start. The
>>>site fails to tell you (or they may not know) that the file to place the
>>>config in for the skin and such does not create itself. So, download the
>>>mini skin from the site, put the folder containing the skin in where the
>>>rest of the mplayer skins are (change permissions accordingly) and then
>>>create the file mplayerplug-in.conf in your ~/.mozilla directory and
>>>inside that file put the line "use-gui=mini" without the quotes. Then
>>>fire up mozilla, go to any streaming site that uses windows media
>>>player, when asked, tell it to use windows media player (I love that!)
>>>and viola!
>>>On Sat, 2003-05-10 at 10:54, shipdadip wrote:
>>>>Works good thanx!
>>>>On Fri, 9 May 2003, Samuel Morales Jr. wrote:
>>>>>Three options:
>>>>>1. mplayer-plugin
>>>>>2. wftv mplayer-plugin
>>>>>3. Crossover Plugin (NOT FREE)
>>>>>--- shipdadip <shipdadip at> wrote:
>>>>>>Hi all,
>>>>>>I was just wondering if there is something that cam
>>>>>>play Windows Media
>>>>>>files from within Mozilla? Like when you go to a
>>>>>>website and they have a
>>>>>>streaming .avi or something how do I play this?
>>>>>>I've managed to get the
>>>>>>Real plug in working but it doesn't play Window's
>>>>>>Media Player files.
>>>>>>Can anyone help?
>>>>>Do you Yahoo!?
>>>>>The New Yahoo! Search - Faster. Easier. Bingo.
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