shipdadip at
Mon Mar 10 22:52:19 EST 2003
first u have to untar it, u can do this by typing tar -xzvf filname.tar.gz.
That will untar all the files into that direstory. Than cd the untarred
directory and read the readme file. For the most part u probably go
./configure than make than make install. Read the README.
----- Original Message -----
From: "David M Rosonowski" <rosonowski at>
To: <nflug at>
Sent: Monday, March 10, 2003 8:29 PM
Subject: Makefiles
> Ok, I finally installed Mandrake 9.
> I went, and I got a tarball of LiveJournal
> (, and it has source.
> Thing is, I've never used anything but rpms, so I have
> no idea what to do with this. I know I have to do
> something with a makefile, but beyond that, I'm clueless.
> =====
> "I have not slept a wink"
> William Shakespeare, Cybelime
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