Photo Resize
Cyber Source
peter at
Sun Jun 15 19:52:49 EDT 2003
This is from trying to convert the pic with the convert from
[peter at Office peter]$ convert DCP01047.fpx pic.jpg
convert: FPX library is not available (DCP01047.fpx).
convert: Missing an image file name.
This is from the command showing the file formats I should be able to
[peter at Office peter]$ convert -list format
Format Mode Description
8BIM* rw- Photoshop resource format
8BIMTEXT* rw- Photoshop resource format
APP1* rw- Raw application information
APP1JPEG* rw- Raw JPEG binary data
ART* r-- PF1: 1st Publisher
AVI* r-- Audio/Visual Interleaved
AVS* rw+ AVS X image
BIE* rw- Joint Bi-level Image experts Group interchange format
BMP* rw+ Microsoft Windows bitmap image
CAPTION* r-- Image caption
CMYK* rw+ Raw cyan, magenta, yellow, and black samples
CMYKA* rw+ Raw cyan, magenta, yellow, black, and opacity samples
CUT* r-- DR Halo
DCM* r-- Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine image
DCX* rw+ ZSoft IBM PC multi-page Paintbrush
DPS r-- Display Postscript
DPX* rw+ Digital Moving Picture Exchange
EPDF* rw- Encapsulated Portable Document Format
EPI* rw- Adobe Encapsulated PostScript Interchange format
EPS* rw- Adobe Encapsulated PostScript
EPS2* -w- Adobe Level II Encapsulated PostScript
EPS3* -w+ Adobe Level III Encapsulated PostScript
EPSF* rw- Adobe Encapsulated PostScript
EPSI* rw- Adobe Encapsulated PostScript Interchange format
EPT rw- Adobe Encapsulated PostScript with TIFF preview
FAX* rw+ Group 3 FAX
FILE* r-- Uniform Resource Locator
FITS* rw- Flexible Image Transport System
FPX* rw- FlashPix Format
FRACTAL* r-- Plasma fractal image
FTP* r-- Uniform Resource Locator
G3* rw- Group 3 FAX
GIF* rw+ CompuServe graphics interchange format (LZW disabled)
GIF87* rw- CompuServe graphics interchange format (version 87a)
GRADIENT* r-- Gradual passing from one shade to another
GRANITE* r-- Granite texture
GRAY* rw+ Raw gray samples
HDF rw+ Hierarchical Data Format
HISTOGRAM* -w- Histogram of the image
HTM* -w- Hypertext Markup Language and a client-side image map
HTML* -w- Hypertext Markup Language and a client-side image map
HTTP* r-- Uniform Resource Locator
ICB* rw+ Truevision Targa image
ICM* rw- ICC Color Profile
ICO* r-- Microsoft icon
ICON* r-- Microsoft icon
IPTC* rw- IPTC Newsphoto
JBG* rw+ Joint Bi-level Image experts Group interchange format
JBIG* rw+ Joint Bi-level Image experts Group interchange format
JP2* rw- JPEG-2000 JP2 File Format Syntax
JPC* rw- JPEG-2000 Code Stream Syntax
JPEG* rw- Joint Photographic Experts Group JFIF format (62)
JPG* rw- Joint Photographic Experts Group JFIF format
LABEL* r-- Image label
LOGO* rw- ImageMagick Logo
M2V* rw+ MPEG Video Stream
MAP* rw- Colormap intensities and indices
MAT* r-- MATLAB image format
MATTE* -w+ MATTE format
MIFF* rw+ Magick Image File Format (5.4.7 with Zlib 1.1.4 and
MNG* rw+ Multiple-image Network Graphics (1.2.2)
MONO* rw- Bi-level bitmap in least-significant-byte first order
MPC* rw+ Magick Persistent Cache image format
MPEG* rw+ MPEG Video Stream
MPG* rw+ MPEG Video Stream
MPR* rw- Magick Persistent Registry
MSL* rw+ Magick Scripting Language
MTV* rw+ MTV Raytracing image format
MVG* rw- Magick Vector Graphics
NETSCAPE* r-- Netscape 216 color cube
NULL* rw- Constant image of uniform color
OTB* rw- On-the-air bitmap
P7* rw+ Xv thumbnail format
PAL* rw- 16bit/pixel interleaved YUV
PALM* rw- Palm pixmap
PBM* rw+ Portable bitmap format (black and white)
PCD* rw- Photo CD
PCDS* rw- Photo CD
PCL* -w- Page Control Language
PCT* rw- Apple Macintosh QuickDraw/PICT
PCX* rw- ZSoft IBM PC Paintbrush
PDB* rw+ Palm Database ImageViewer Format
PDF* rw+ Portable Document Format
PFA* r-- TrueType font
PFB* r-- TrueType font
PGM* rw+ Portable graymap format (gray scale)
PICON* rw- Personal Icon
PICT* rw- Apple Macintosh QuickDraw/PICT
PIX* r-- Alias/Wavefront RLE image format
PLASMA* r-- Plasma fractal image
PM* rw- X Windows system pixmap (color)
PNG* rw- Portable Network Graphics (1.2.2)
PNM* rw+ Portable anymap
PPM* rw+ Portable pixmap format (color)
PREVIEW* -w- Show a preview an image enhancement, effect, or f/x
PS* rw+ Adobe PostScript
PS2* -w+ Adobe Level II PostScript
PS3* -w+ Adobe Level III PostScript
PSD* rw+ Adobe Photoshop bitmap
PTIF* rw- Pyramid encoded TIFF
PWP* r-- Seattle Film Works
RAS* rw+ SUN Rasterfile
RGB* rw+ Raw red, green, and blue samples
RGBA* rw+ Raw red, green, blue, and matte samples
RLA* r-- Alias/Wavefront image
RLE* r-- Utah Run length encoded image
SCT* r-- Scitex HandShake
SFW* r-- Seattle Film Works
SGI* rw+ Irix RGB image
SHTML* -w- Hypertext Markup Language and a client-side image map
STEGANO* r-- Steganographic image
SUN* rw+ SUN Rasterfile
SVG* rw+ Scalable Vector Gaphics (XML 2.4.23)
TEXT* rw+ Text
TGA* rw+ Truevision Targa image
TIF* rw+ Tagged Image File Format (42)
TIFF* rw+ Tagged Image File Format (42)
TILE* r-- Tile image with a texture
TTF* r-- TrueType font
TXT* rw+ Text
UIL* -w- X-Motif UIL table
UYVY* rw- 16bit/pixel interleaved YUV
VDA* rw+ Truevision Targa image
VICAR* rw- VICAR rasterfile format
VID* rw+ Visual Image Directory
VIFF* rw+ Khoros Visualization image
VST* rw+ Truevision Targa image
WBMP* rw- Wireless Bitmap (level 0) image
WPG* r-- Word Perfect Graphics
X* rw- X Image
XBM* rw- X Windows system bitmap (black and white)
XC* r-- Constant image uniform color
XCF* r-- GIMP image
XPM* rw- X Windows system pixmap (color)
XV* rw+ Khoros Visualization image
XWD* rw- X Windows system window dump (color)
YUV* rw- CCIR 601 4:1:1 or 4:2:2
* native blob support
This is the output of my /etc/ file;
/etc/ (END)
On Sun, 2003-06-15 at 19:18, Mark Musone wrote:
> Exactly what error is it showing about the library (copy and paste)
> And then, if you say that you listed it, also copy and paste the exact
> listing..
> Lastly, copy and paster your /etc/
> -Mark
> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-nflug at [mailto:owner-nflug at] On Behalf
> Of Cyber Source
> Sent: Sunday, June 15, 2003 7:13 PM
> To: nflug at
> Subject: Re: Photo Resize
> Thanks, I downloaded that and installed it but does the same thing as
> ImageMagick did, can't read the fpx format. I know the file is ok
> cause I had to run back to winblows and fire up photodraw to view it
> and convert it, and i hate doing that crap
> On Sun, 2003-06-15 at 18:02, David Purucker wrote:
> >
> >This is true, the convert option does work well however, I had one
> >problem I could never get past, I had pictures in .fpx format (kodak
> >flash point) and I could not convert those pics, it kept bitching about
> >the libraries not there but when I did the command to look for the
> >libraries, it listed it, any clues on that one anyone?
> >On Sun, 2003-06-15 at 10:08, Mark O. Kimball wrote:
> >Cyber Source <peter at>
> One program that handles .fpx format and over 400 other formats, is XnView,
> and it runs on just about any OS as well. Also the Nconvert program from
> the same
> author, is a command-line batch converter with the same 400+ format support.
> XnView & NConvert are provided as Freeware for private non-commercial,
> educational use and non-profit organization. It can be registered for
> commercial use though, see the website. <$30.00
> For windows users:
> Since ACDSee has become quite bloated lately, I generally recommend this
> program to my
> Windows using friends, and it's free.
> Dave P.
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Cyber Source <peter at>
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