Thoughts for the meeting

Robert Dege rdege at cse.Buffalo.EDU
Mon Oct 15 17:02:00 EDT 2001

> Cool idea.  I had thought of the concept of dinking with nsswitch.conf to look
> in NIS, then files.  Then you could use your NFS home directory when you were

This is bad.  Ever have NFS & amd sit there waiting for a network
connection to bcome active?  Not a pretty site.  As soon as you login....
you wait basically forever.

This also applies to querying DNS before /etc/hosts
Damn that localhost!


> I figger that if we put our heads together, maybe we can come up with something
> that we could publish to the world 'cuz I'm sure that we're not the only ones
> thinking about this problem.

I think I need a better understanding of what we're looking to solve.
Especially from John's view.  Going through all these speculations, I
completely forgot what we're trying to achieve.  A network $HOME?  A
network folder in $HOME?  I've got the network/stand alone bit though.

But to continue on the thread, you can always tar, then rdist, then untar.
Run a cron job to detect network connectivity, or the specific host, yadda
yadda yadda.


Inside some of us is a thin person struggling to get out, but
they can usually be sedated with a few pieces of chocolate cake.

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