Java for Linux?

Dennis J. Eberl dje at
Mon Apr 10 21:26:10 EDT 2000

JJ Neff wrote:

> Time doesn't permity a lengthy response right now but YES Java JDK2 is
> installed and operating on my system.  I an using Sun's JDK2 as opposed to IBM
> (I think).

Cool. What happened to Blackdown's JDK or is it the same as Sun's JDK2, which
you have installed?

Thanks for taking the time to answer, by the way.


> I used a link with very easy to follow instruction from
> to actually get Java installed.  Then it worked both in
> Netscape and as a programming language.  There are MANY problems getting it to
> work with STAROffice.  There are a few web-sites that deal specifically with
> getting the two to work and play but I don't have links handy at the moment.
> Just do a search for Staroffice AND JAVA and you will get very close to some
> answers.

<---------------  snip  --------------->

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