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Use mplayer:<br><br>mplayer -i foo1.mp3 -o bar1.mp3 -s 00:00:00 -tt 00:10:00<br>mplayer -i foo.mp3 -o bar2.mp3 -s 00:10:00 -tt 00:10:00<br><br>Just keep doing this, or whip up a loop to do it. mplayer does almost anything with almost any media. You may need to tweak the command line options, but read the man for it, and it's pretty well done with examples.<br><br>Dec 26, 2008 02:35:33 AM, <a href="mailto:nflug@nflug.org" class="parsedEmail" target="_blank">nflug@nflug.org</a> wrote:<br><blockquote style="border-left: 3px solid rgb(102, 153, 204);">I have an audio version of a book in the form of one 11+ hour mp3 file.<br>This file is difficult to manage and my stand-alone player gives up<br>after about 2 hours.<br><br>I'd like to break the file into one hour chunks. How do I do that?<br><br>I tried loading it into audacity (which took 15 minutes). I figured I<br>could select one section at a time and save it to its own file. I think<br>I was able to select a section, but I couldn't find any "Save selection<br>to file" option.<br><br>Apparently, kubuntu hardy doesn't come with an audacity documentation<br>package,<br>so the help function doesn't work. I'm going to try to find it on the web.<br><br>I found a utility called mp3split, but could not find a deb that would<br>install (found one for it, but not for its library) and could not<br>compile it from source.<br><br>Normally, I would just load the whole thing, chop it down to one section<br>and save as. In this case though, that would take around 3 hours just<br>for repeated loading of the original file.<br><br>Any ideas?<br><br>TIA<br><br>Joe<br><br>_______________________________________________<br>nflug mailing list<br><a href="mailto:nflug@nflug.org" target="_blank" class="parsedEmail parsedEmail">nflug@nflug.org</a><br><a href="http://www.nflug.org/mailman/listinfo/nflug" class="parsedLink" target="_blank">http://www.nflug.org/mailman/listinfo/nflug</a><br></blockquote></body></html>